Ahoy, fellow daywalkers! I’m Redowan Delowar, also go by ‘rednafi’ on most platforms.
Circa 2018, a glitch in the matrix slingshotted me from electrical engineering to data science, eventually landing me in brick-and-mortar software work.
I enjoy exploring system architecture, databases, data analysis, and API design. In my spare time, I moonlight as a reader, writer, hiker, and a pathological minimalist.
I’m currently based in Berlin and working at Wolt as a software engineer. Before this, I was exploring the healthtech industry in the US with Dendisoftware and the fintech segment in Southeast Asia.
Hugo powers this blog. It’s rocking the Papermod theme with some handrolled CSS flair. I write in plain markdown and push the content to GitHub, triggering the GitHub Actions CI, which then deploys the site to GitHub Pages.
Learn more about the stack, deployment, and writing process here.
Greatest hits
- Oh my poor business logic
- The diminishing half-life of knowledge
- Annotating args and kwargs in Python
- An ode to the neo-grotesque web
- HTTP requests via /dev/tcp
- Escaping the template pattern hellscape in Python
- Dotfiles stewardship for the indolent
- Configuring options in Go
- Recipes from Python SQLite docs
- Limit goroutines with buffered channels
- Pesky little scripts
- I kind of like rebasing