Python has a random.choice
routine in the standard library that allows you to pick a
random value from an iterable. It works like this:
import random
# The seed ensures that you'll get the same random choice
# every time you run the script.
# This builds a list: ["choice_0", "choice_1", ..., "choice_9"]
lst = [f"choice_{i}" for i in range(10)]
This will print:
I was looking for a way to quickly hydrate a table with random data in an SQLite database. To be able to do so, I needed to extract unpremeditated values from an array of predefined elements. The issue is, that SQLite doesn’t support array types or have a built-in function to pick random values from an array. However, recently I came across this1 trick from Ricardo Ander-Egg’s tweet2, where he exploits SQLite’s JSON support to parse an array. This idea can be further extended to pluck random values from an array.
To extract values from any JSON object in SQLite, you can use the json_extract
Start a SQLite CLI session and run the following query:
select json_extract(
'{"greetings": ["Hello", "Hola", "Ohe"]}', '$.greetings[2]'
This will give you an output as follows:
The above query parses the JSON object inside the json_extract
function and extracts the
last element from the greetings
array. If you want to know more details about how you can
extract specific elements from JSON objects, head over to the SQLite docs on this topic3.
You can pick any value from a JSON array by its index:
select json_extract(
'["Columbus", "Cincinnati", "Dayton", "Toledo"]', '$[2]'
Now, how do we extract random elements from the above array? If we can generate a set of
random indices, those can be used to access values arbitrarily from the JSON array. These
random indices can be generated using SQLite’s built-in random()
function. The function
doesn’t take any arguments and generates a large positive or negative arbitrary integer.
From this integer, a random index can be found by computing abs(random()) modulo n
denotes the absolute result of the random function and n
represents the
length of the target array.
For example, if the length of the array is 4
, and random()
produces the integer
, then the index will be 123456789 % 4 = 1
select abs(random()) % 4;
If you run this query multiple times, you’ll see that it prints a value between 0
and 3
in random order.
sqlite> select abs(random()) % 4;
sqlite> select abs(random()) % 4;
sqlite> select abs(random()) % 4;
sqlite> select abs(random()) % 4;
Similarly, if you compute abs(random()) % 5
, it’ll print a value between 0
to 4
and so
on. Armed with this knowledge, we can extract a random value from a JSON array like this:
select json_extract(
'["Columbus", "Cincinnati", "Dayton", "Toledo"]',
'$[' || cast(abs(random()) % 4 as text) || ']'
Running the above query will give you a single value from the JSON array in random order. Execute the query multiple times to see it in action.
sqlite> select json_extract('["Columbus", ...
sqlite> select json_extract('["Columbus", ...
sqlite> select json_extract('["Columbus", ...
Voila, we’ve successfully emulated Python’s random.choice
in SQL.
Populating a table with random data
Populating a table with randomly distributed data is useful, especially when you need to demonstrate a feature or flex your SQL fu. We can leverage the above pattern to populate a simple table with 100 data points like this:
-- Create the 'stat' table with 'id', 'cat', and 'score' columns.
create table if not exists stat (
id integer primary key, cat text, score real
-- Populate the 'stat' table with random data.
with recursive cte (x, y) as (
select 'a', random() % 1000
union all
select json_extract ('["a", "b", "c"]',
'$[' || cast(abs(random()) % 3 as text) || ']'),
random() % 1000
from cte
limit 100)
insert into stat (cat, score)
select *
from cte
where not exists ( -- This block ensures that the query
select * -- can be run multiple times without
from stat -- any side effects. If you run this
where = cte.x -- multiple times, it'll
or stat.score = cte.x); -- only insert the values once.
-- Inspect the populated table.
select * from stat;
If you run the above queries via the SQLite CLI, the final statement will reveal the stat
table with the randomly filled in data:
| id | cat | score |
| 1 | a | 390.0 |
| 2 | a | 864.0 |
| 3 | b | -856.0 |
| 4 | b | -307.0 |
| 5 | c | -405.0 |
| 6 | a | -61.0 |
| 7 | a | 794.0 |
| 8 | b | -560.0 |
| 9 | a | -355.0 |
| 10 | c | 10.0 |
| 100 | c | 420.0 |
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