After reading Simon Willison’s amazing piece1 on how he adds new features to his open-source softwares, I wanted to adopt some of the good practices and incorporate them into my own workflow. One of the highlights of that post was how to kick off a feature work. The process roughly goes like this:

  • Opening a new GitHub issue for the feature in the corresponding repository.

  • Adding a rough description of the feature to the issue.

  • Creating a feature branch off of main/master/trunk. If the feature is trivial or just a doc update, this step can be skipped.

  • Referring to the issue in every commit message as you start working on the feature:

    • Appending #refs <issue-number> to every commit message. This will attach the commit to the concerning issue on the GitHub UI.
    • Appending #closes <issue-number> to the final commit message when the feature is complete.
    • If you need to refer to an issue after it’s closed, you can still do that by appending #refs <issue-number> to the commit message. So a commit message should look similar to Feature foo, refs #120 or Update foo, closes #115. The comma (,) before refs/closes is essential here. I like to enforce it.

This pattern can also work for bugfixes without any changes. Here’s an example2 of it in action. I follow the pattern to write the blogs on this site as well. This is what a feature issue might look like on GitHub:

enforce commit style

While I’m quite happy with how the process is working for me, often time, I get careless and push commits without a reference to any issue. This pollutes the Git history and breaks my streak of maintaining good hygiene. So, I was looking for a way to make sure that the CI fails and reprimands me whenever I’m not following the process correctly. It’s just one less thing to worry about.

I’ve decided to use GitHub Actions to audit the conformity of the commit messages. The CI pipeline is orchestrated as follows:

  • After every push and pull-request, the audit-commits job in an audit.yml workflow file will verify the conformity of the commit messages. This job runs a regex pattern against every commit message and fails with exit code 1 if the message doesn’t respect the expected format.
  • If the audit-commits job passes successfully, only then the primary jobs in the ci.yml workflow will execute. The entire pipeline will fail and the primary CI workflow won’t be triggered at all if the audit-commit job fails at any point.

On GitHub, you’re expected to place your workflow files in the .github/workflows directory. If you inspect this blog’s workflows3 folder, you’ll see this pattern in action. Here, the directory has three workflow files:

├── audit.yml
├── automerge.yml
└── ci.yml

The automerge.yml file automatically merges a pull-request when the primary CI jobs pass. I wrote about it in more detail in another4 write-up. We’ll ignore the automerge.yml file for now. Here, the audit file runs after every push and pull-request and verifies the structure of the commit message. I picked a generic name like audit.yml instead of a more specific one like audit-commit.yml because in the future if I want to add another check, I can easily extend this file without renaming it. Here’s the unabridged content of the audit.yml file:

# .github/workflows/audit.yml
# Auditing commit structure.
name: Audit


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: ${{ != 'dependabot[bot]' }}
      - name: "Return exit code 1 if the commit messages aren't formatted correctly."
        shell: bash
        run: |
          set -euo pipefail

          # Get the commit payload from GH Actions event.
          # github-event-types#pushevent
          commits='${{ toJSON(github.event.commits) }}'

          # Exit with 0 if no new commit is found.
          if [[ $commits =~ "null" ]]; then
              echo "No commit found. Exiting..."
          exit 0

          # Get the unique messages from the commits event.
          parsed=$(echo -n "$commits" | jq -r ".[].message" | sort -u)
          mtch='(, refs|, closes) #[0-9]+'

          echo "$parsed" | while IFS= read -r raw_line; do
              line=$(echo "$raw_line" | tr -d "\r\n")

              # Ignore empty lines.
              if [[ -z "$line" ]]; then

              # Check with regex if the commit message contains 'refs #issue_number'
              # or 'closes #issue_number'. If not, exit with an error.
              elif [[ "$line" =~ $mtch ]]; then
                  echo "Commit message: $line ✅"
                  echo "Commit message: $line ❌"
                  echo -n "Commit message must contain "
                  echo -n "'refs #issue_number' or 'closes #issue_number'."
                  exit 1

I’ve defined this workflow as a reusable one. A reusable workflow can be called like a function with parameters from another workflow. The workflow_call node the audit.yml file makes it a reusable one and you can define additional parameters in this section if you need to do so. However, in this particular case, I don’t need to pass any parameters while calling the audit.yml workflow from the ci.yml workflow. You can find more details on how to define reusable workflows5 in the docs.

In the jobs section of the audit.yml file, we define a single audit-commits job that runs a bash script against every incoming commit message and verifies its structure. The commit messages can be accessed from the '${{ toJSON(github.event.commits) }}' context variable. Then the script loops over every commit message and verifies the structure. It’ll terminate the job with exit code 1 if the incoming message doesn’t match the expected structure. Otherwise, the script will gracefully terminate the job with exit code 0.

In the main ci.yml file the audit.yml workflow is called like this:


    uses: rednafi/reflections/.github/workflows/audit.yml@master

The ci.yml file roughly looks like this:

name: CI


  # Everyday at 0:37 UTC.
    - cron: "37 0 * * *"

# Cancel any running workflow if the CI gets triggered again.
  group: ${{ github.head_ref || github.run_id }}
  cancel-in-progress: true

    uses: rednafi/reflections/.github/workflows/audit.yml@master

    needs: ["audit"]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    needs: ["build"]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    needs: ["deploy"]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

Here the needs: ["audit"] node in the build section ensures that the build will only trigger if the audit job passes successfully. Otherwise, none of the build, test, or deploy jobs will run and the CI will fail with a non-zero exit code. Here’s the fully working ci.yml6 file.


GitHub Actions terminology can be confusing.

  • A workflow is a separate file that contains one or more jobs.
  • A job is a set of steps in a workflow that executes on the same runner.
  • A runner is a server that runs your workflows when they’re triggered. Each runner can run a single job at a time.
  • A reusable workflow can be called from another workflow file.

The docs have more information on the terminologies7.

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