This weekend, I was working on a fun project that required a fixed-time job scheduler to run
a curl
command at a future timestamp. I was aiming to find the simplest solution that
could just get the job done. I’ve also been exploring Google Bard1 recently and wanted to
see how it stacks up against other LLM tools like ChatGPT, BingChat, or Anthropic’s Claude
in terms of resolving programming queries.
So, I asked Bard:
What’s the simplest solution I could get away with to run a shell command at a future datetime?
It introduced me to the UNIX at
command that does exactly what I needed. Cron wouldn’t be
a good fit for this particular use case, and I wasn’t aware of the existence of at
So I started probing the model and wanted to document my findings for future reference.
Also, the final hacky solution that allowed me to schedule jobs remotely can be found at the
tail2 of this post.
The insipid definition
The command at
in UNIX is used to schedule one-time jobs or commands to be executed at a
specific time in the future. Internally, the system maintains a queue that adds a new entry
when a job is scheduled, and once it gets executed, the job is removed from the queue.
NOTE: By default, the jobs will be scheduled using the targeted machine’s local timezone.
The command isn’t included in GNU coreutils, so you might have to install it separately on your machine.
On a Debian-flavored Linux machine, run:
apt install at
Then check the status of atd
daemon. This daemon executes the scheduled jobs.
service atd status
* atd is running
If the service isn’t running, then you can start the daemon with this command:
service atd start
* Starting deferred execution scheduler atd [OK]
On MacOS, scheduled jobs are carried out by atrun
and it’s disabled by default. I had to
fiddle around quite a bit to make it work on my MacBook Pro running MacOS Ventura. First,
you’ll need to launch the daemon with the following command:
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
This will start the atrun
daemon. Or enable it for future bootups by modifying
to have:
On modern MacOS like Ventura, unfortunately, this requires disabling SIP3. Next, you’ll
need to provide full disk access to atrun
. To do so:
- Open Spotlight and type in Allow full disk access.
- On the left panel, click on Allow applications to access all user files.
- On the right panel, add
to the list of allowed apps. Presscmd + shift + g
and type in the full path ofatrun
You can learn more about making atrun
work on MacOS here4. Although I’m using MacOS for
development, In my particular case, making at
work on MacOS wasn’t the first priority
because I deployed the final solution to an Ubuntu container.
A few examples
The following sections demonstrates some examples of scheduling commands to be executed in a few different scenarios.
Schedule at a specific time
To schedule a command to be executed at a specific time, use this command syntax:
at <time> <command>
For example, to schedule the command ls -lah >> foo.txt
to be executed at 3:00 PM
time, you’d use the following command:
at 3pm
at> ls -lah >> foo.txt
at> <Ctrl-D>
Pressing <Ctrl-D>
tells at
that you have finished entering the command, and it should
schedule the job to run at the specified time. You’ll see that at 3.00PM
local time, a
file named foo.txt
containing the output of ls -l
will be created.
Schedule after a certain period of time
To schedule a command to run in a specific amount of time from now, use:
at now + <time> <command>
For example, to schedule ps aux >> foo.txt
to run in 2 minutes from now, you’d use the
following command:
at now + 2 minutes
at> ps aux >> foo.txt
at> <Ctrl-D>
This will schedule the command to run in two minutes in the current local time.
Schedule a script run
You can also run a script containing multiple commands at a specific time. To do this,
create a script file that houses the commands you want to run, and then use at
to schedule
the script to be executed at the desired time.
For example, suppose you have a script file called
that contains a curl
command which makes an API call and saves the output to a file. You can schedule it as such:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl -X GET >> foo.json
at -f now + 1 minute
The script will be executed in a minute from now. You can check the content of foo.json
minute later:
"args": {},
"headers": {
"Accept": "*/*",
"Host": "",
"User-Agent": "curl/7.85.0",
"X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-646162a8-71a232d563e0c16a4a497acf"
"origin": "",
"url": ""
Schedule in a non-interactive manner
What if you don’t want to create a new script file and also don’t want to schedule a command
interactively as shown before? You can echo
the desired command and pipe it to at
echo "dig +short >> foo.txt" | at now + 1 minute
We can also run multi-line commands in a single go by taking advantage of the heredoc format:
at now + 1 minute <<EOF
dig +short >> foo.txt
In either case, 1 minute later, you’ll see that a foo.txt
file will be created in your
local directory with the following content:
This command above uses at
to schedule the execution of a dig
command for the domain
. In this case, dig
performs a DNS lookup, and the scheduled time is set
to be 1 minute from now in the current local time. The output of the command is then
appended to the file foo.txt
. The <<EOF
syntax is used for input redirection, which
allows the command to be specified in a heredoc format without requiring you to enter the
command in interactive mode as before.
Schedule with UNIX timestamp
You can schedule jobs using a UNIX timestamp with the -t
flag. The at
command requires a
timestamp in the format [[[mm]dd]HH]MM[[cc]yy][.ss]]
. Here’s an example that uses the
command to generate the current datetime, adds a 30-second offset to it, formats it
to the at
’s expected format, and schedules a job.
On Linux, run:
at -t $(date -d "+30 seconds" +"%Y%m%d%H%M.%S") <<EOF
ping -c 5 >> foo.txt
On MacOS, run:
at -t $(date -v "+30S" +"%Y%m%d%H%M.%S") <<EOF
ping -c 5 >> foo.txt
View and manage scheduled jobs
To view a list of scheduled jobs, use the following command:
This will display a list of all the tasks that are currently scheduled.
36 Sun May 14 18:42:00 2023
37 Sun May 14 18:42:00 2023
To remove a scheduled task, use the following command:
atrm <job number>
The job number is the number assigned to the task when it was scheduled. You can find the
job number by running the atq
command. If you need to clear all the pending jobs, use
atrm $(atq | cut -f 1)
A hacky way to schedule jobs remotely
This is a hacky and probably dangerous way to do remote job scheduling. However, the beauty of side projects is that nobody’s here to tell you what to do and it’s a fun way to play with hazmats.
I needed a way to quickly prop up a service that’d allow me to schedule webhook API calls at
a fixed point in time in the future. So I exposed a simple NodeJS server that’d allow me to
schedule an API call with at
and execute the command at the desired datetime. Here’s the
complete server:
// server.js
import express, { json } from "express";
import { exec } from "child_process";
const app = express();
const port = 3000;
const authToken = "some-token";
app.use(json());"/run-command", (req, res) => {
const { command } = req.body;
if (!command) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: "Command not provided." });
const authHeader = req.headers.authorization;
if (!authHeader || authHeader !== `Bearer ${authToken}`) {
return res.status(401).json({ error: "Unauthorized." });
exec(command, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
return res
.json({ msg: "Command execution failed.", error: stderr });
res.json({ msg: "Command execution successful.", output: stdout });
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`);
This endpoint takes in a shell command and just runs it on the server; bad idea, right? But the endpoint is secured behind a Bearer token and I’m the only one who’s going to use this. Security by obscurity!
Before running the server, you’ll need to install express
and once you’ve done it, you can
start the server with the following command:
node server.js
Now, from a different console panel, you can schedule a remote task as follows:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer some-token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"command\":\"echo 'ping -c 5 >> foo.txt' | at now +1min\"}" \
This will return:
{"msg":"Command execution successful.","output":""}
In my case, I needed to POST a payload at a certain time in the future:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer some-token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "{\"command\":\"echo \\\"curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data \
'{\\\"hello\\\": \\\"world\\\"}'\\\" | at now +1min\"}" \
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