Declaratively transform data class fields in Python

While writing microservices in Python, I like to declaratively define the shape of the data coming in and out of JSON APIs or NoSQL databases in a separate module. Both TypedDict and dataclass are fantastic tools to communicate the shape of the data with the next person working on the codebase. Whenever I need to do some processing on the data before starting to work on that, I prefer to transform the data via dataclasses. Consider this example: ...

March 20, 2022

Caching connection objects in Python

To avoid instantiating multiple DB connections in Python apps, a common approach is to initialize the connection objects in a module once and then import them everywhere. So, you’d do this: # import boto3 # Pip install boto3 import redis # Pip install redis dynamo_client = boto3.client("dynamodb") redis_client = redis.Redis() However, this adds import time side effects to your module and can turn out to be expensive. In search of a better solution, my first instinct was to go for functools.lru_cache(None) to immortalize the connection objects in memory. It works like this: ...

March 16, 2022

How not to run a script in Python

When I first started working with Python, nothing stumped me more than how bizarre Python’s import system seemed to be. Often time, I wanted to run a module inside of a package with the python src/sub/ command, and it’d throw an ImportError that didn’t make any sense. Consider this package structure: src ├── ├── └── sub ├── └── Let’s say you’re importing module a in module b: ...

March 16, 2022

Mocking chained methods of datetime objects in Python

This is the 4th time in a row that I’ve wasted time figuring out how to mock out a function during testing that calls the chained methods of a datetime.datetime object in the function body. So I thought I’d document it here. Consider this function: # from __future__ import annotations import datetime def get_utcnow_isoformat() -> str: """Get UTCnow as an isoformat compliant string.""" return datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() How’d you test it? Mocking out datetime.datetime is tricky because of its immutable nature. Third-party libraries like freezegun1 make it easier to mock and test functions like the one above. However, it’s not too difficult to cover this simple case without any additional dependencies. Here’s one way to achieve the goal: ...

March 16, 2022

Declarative payloads with TypedDict in Python

While working with microservices in Python, a common pattern that I see is—the usage of dynamically filled dictionaries as payloads of REST APIs or message queues. To understand what I mean by this, consider the following example: # from __future__ import annotations import json from typing import Any import redis # Do a pip install. def get_payload() -> dict[str, Any]: """Get the 'zoo' payload containing animal names and attributes.""" payload = {"name": "awesome_zoo", "animals": []} names = ("wolf", "snake", "ostrich") attributes = ( {"family": "Canidae", "genus": "Canis", "is_mammal": True}, {"family": "Viperidae", "genus": "Boas", "is_mammal": False}, ) for name, attr in zip(names, attributes): payload["animals"].append( # type: ignore {"name": name, "attribute": attr}, ) return payload def save_to_cache(payload: dict[str, Any]) -> None: # You'll need to spin up a Redis db before instantiating # a connection here. r = redis.Redis() print("Saving to cache...") r.set(f"zoo:{payload['name']}", json.dumps(payload)) if __name__ == "__main__": payload = get_payload() save_to_cache(payload) Here, the get_payload function constructs a payload that gets stored in a Redis DB in the save_to_cache function. The get_payload function returns a dict that denotes a contrived payload containing the data of an imaginary zoo. To execute the above snippet, you’ll need to spin up a Redis database first. You can use Docker1 to do so. Install and configure Docker on your system and run: ...

March 11, 2022

Parametrized fixtures in pytest

While most of my pytest fixtures don’t react to the dynamically-passed values of function parameters, there have been situations where I’ve definitely felt the need for that. Consider this example: # import pytest @pytest.fixture def create_file(tmp_path): """Fixture to create a file in the tmp_path/tmp directory.""" directory = tmp_path / "tmp" directory.mkdir() file = directory / "" # The filename is hardcoded here! yield directory, file def test_file_creation(create_file): """Check the fixture.""" directory, file = create_file assert == "tmp" assert == "" Here, in the create_file fixture, I’ve created a file named in the tmp folder. Notice that the name of the file is hardcoded inside the body of the fixture function. The fixture yields the path of the directory and the created file. ...

March 10, 2022

Modify iterables while iterating in Python

If you try to mutate a sequence while traversing through it, Python usually doesn’t complain. For example: # l = [3, 4, 56, 7, 10, 9, 6, 5] for i in l: if not i % 2 == 0: continue l.remove(i) print(l) The above snippet iterates through a list of numbers and modifies the list l in-place to remove any even number. However, running the script prints out this: [3, 56, 7, 9, 5] Wait a minute! The output doesn’t look correct. The final list still contains 56 which is an even number. Why did it get skipped? Printing the members of the list while the for-loop advances reveal what’s happening inside: ...

March 4, 2022

Github action template for Python based projects

Five traits that almost all the GitHub Action workflows in my Python projects share are: If a new workflow is triggered while the previous one is running, the first one will get canceled. The CI is triggered every day at UTC 1. Tests and the lint-checkers are run on Ubuntu and MacOS against multiple Python versions. Pip dependencies are cached. Dependencies, including the Actions dependencies are automatically updated via dependabot1. I use pip-tools2 for managing dependencies in applications and setuptools3 combo for managing dependencies in libraries. Here’s an annotated version of the template action syntax: ...

March 2, 2022

Self type in Python

PEP-6731 introduces the Self type and it’s coming to Python 3.11. However, you can already use that now via the typing_extenstions2 module. The Self type makes annotating methods that return the instances of the corresponding classes trivial. Before this, you’d have to do some mental gymnastics to statically type situations as follows: # from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any class Animal: def __init__(self, name: str, says: str) -> None: = name self.says = says @classmethod def from_description(cls, description: str = "|") -> Animal: descr = description.split("|") return cls(descr[0], descr[1]) class Dog(Animal): def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def legs(self) -> int: return 4 if __name__ == "__main__": dog = Dog.from_description("Matt | woof") print(dog.legs) # Mypy complains here! The class Animal has a from_description class method that acts as an additional constructor. It takes a description string, and then builds and returns an instance of the same class. The return type of the method is annotated as Animal here. However, doing this makes the child class Dog conflate its identity with the Animal class. If you execute the snippet, it won’t raise any runtime error. Also, Mypy will complain about the type: ...

February 28, 2022

Patching test dependencies via pytest fixture & unittest mock

In Python, even though I adore writing tests in a functional manner via pytest, I still have a soft corner for the tools provided in the unittest.mock module. I like the fact it’s baked into the standard library and is quite flexible. Moreover, I’m yet to see another mock library in any other language or in the Python ecosystem that allows you to mock your targets in such a terse, flexible, and maintainable fashion. ...

February 27, 2022

Narrowing types with TypeGuard in Python

Static type checkers like Mypy follow your code flow and statically try to figure out the types of the variables without you having to explicitly annotate inline expressions. For example: # from __future__ import annotations def check(x: int | float) -> str: if not isinstance(x, int): reveal_type(x) # Type is now 'float'. else: reveal_type(x) # Type is now 'int'. return str(x) The reveal_type function is provided by Mypy and you don’t need to import this. But remember to remove the function before executing the snippet. Otherwise, Python will raise a runtime error as the function is only understood by Mypy. If you run Mypy against this snippet, it’ll print the following lines: ...

February 23, 2022

Why 'NoReturn' type exists in Python

Technically, the type of None in Python is NoneType. However, you’ll rarely see types.NoneType being used in the wild as the community has pretty much adopted None to denote the type of the None singleton. This usage is also documented1 in PEP-484. Whenever a callable doesn’t return anything, you usually annotate it as follows: # from __future__ import annotations def abyss() -> None: return But sometimes a callable raises an exception and never gets the chance to return anything. Consider this example: ...

February 21, 2022

Add extra attributes to enum members in Python

While grokking the source code of http.HTTPStatus module, I came across this technique to add extra attributes to the values of enum members. Now, to understand what do I mean by adding attributes, let’s consider the following example: # from __future__ import annotations from enum import Enum class Color(str, Enum): RED = "Red" GREEN = "Green" BLUE = "Blue" Here, I’ve inherited from str to ensure that the values of the enum members are strings. This class can be used as follows: ...

February 17, 2022

Peeking into the internals of Python's 'functools.wraps' decorator

The functools.wraps decorator allows you to keep your function’s identity intact after it’s been wrapped by a decorator. Whenever a function is wrapped by a decorator, identity properties like—function name, docstring, annotations of it get replaced by those of the wrapper function. Consider this example: from __future__ import annotations # In < Python 3.9, import this from the typing module. from import Callable from typing import Any def log(func: Callable) -> Callable: def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Internal wrapper.""" val = func(*args, **kwargs) return val return wrapper @log def add(x: int, y: int) -> int: """Add two numbers. Parameters ---------- x : int First argument. y : int Second argument. Returns ------- int Returns the summation of two integers. """ return x + y if __name__ == "__main__": print(add.__doc__) print(add.__name__) Here, I’ve defined a simple logging decorator that wraps the add function. The function add has its own type annotations and docstring. So, you’d expect the docstring and name of the add function to be printed when the above snippet gets executed. However, running the script prints the following instead: ...

February 14, 2022

Limit concurrency with semaphore in Python asyncio

I was working with a rate-limited API endpoint where I continuously needed to send short polling GET requests without hitting HTTP 429 error. Perusing the API doc, I found out that the API endpoint only allows a maximum of 100 requests per second. So, my goal was to find out a way to send the maximum amount of requests without encountering the too-many-requests error. I picked up Python’s asyncio1 and the amazing HTTPx2 library by Tom Christie to make the requests. This is the naive version that I wrote in the beginning; it quickly hits the HTTP 429 error: ...

February 10, 2022

Amphibian decorators in Python

Whether you like it or not, the split world of sync and async functions in the Python ecosystem is something we’ll have to live with; at least for now. So, having to write things that work with both sync and async code is an inevitable part of the journey. Projects like Starlette1, HTTPx2 can give you some clever pointers on how to craft APIs that are compatible with both sync and async code. ...

February 6, 2022

Go Rusty with exception handling in Python

While grokking Black formatter’s codebase, I came across this1 interesting way of handling exceptions in Python. Exception handling in Python usually follows the EAFP paradigm where it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. However, Rust has this recoverable error2 handling workflow that leverages generic Enums. I wanted to explore how Black emulates that in Python. This is how it works: # from __future__ import annotations from typing import Generic, TypeVar, Union T = TypeVar("T") E = TypeVar("E", bound=Exception) class Ok(Generic[T]): def __init__(self, value: T) -> None: self._value = value def ok(self) -> T: return self._value class Err(Generic[E]): def __init__(self, e: E) -> None: self._e = e def err(self) -> E: return self._e Result = Union[Ok[T], Err[E]] In the above snippet, two generic types Ok and Err represent the return type and the error types of a callable respectively. These two generics were then combined into one Result generic type. You’d use the Result generic to handle exceptions as follows: ...

February 2, 2022

Variance of generic types in Python

I’ve always had a hard time explaining variance of generic types while working with type annotations in Python. This is an attempt to distill the things I’ve picked up on type variance while going through PEP-483. A pinch of type theory A generic type is a class or interface that is parameterized over types. Variance refers to how subtyping between the generic types relates to subtyping between their parameters' types. ...

January 31, 2022

Create a sub dictionary with O(K) complexity in Python

How’d you create a sub dictionary from a dictionary where the keys of the sub-dict are provided as a list? I was reading a tweet1 by Ned Bachelder on this today and that made me realize that I usually solve it with O(DK) complexity, where K is the length of the sub-dict keys and D is the length of the primary dict. Here’s how I usually do that without giving it any thoughts or whatsoever: ...

January 30, 2022

Gotchas of early-bound function argument defaults in Python

I was reading a tweet about it yesterday and that didn’t stop me from pushing a code change in production with the same rookie mistake today. Consider this function: # from __future__ import annotations import logging import time from datetime import datetime def log( message: str, /, *, level: str, timestamp: str = datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), ) -> None: logger = getattr(logging, level) # Avoid f-string in logging as it's not lazy. logger("Timestamp: %s \nMessage: %s\n" % (timestamp, message)) if __name__ == "__main__": for _ in range(3): time.sleep(1) log("Reality can often be disappointing.", level="warning") Here, the function log has a parameter timestamp that computes its default value using the built-in datetime.utcnow().isoformat() method. I was under the impression that the timestamp parameter would be computed each time when the log function was called. However, that’s not what happens when you try to run it. If you run the above snippet, you’ll get this instead: ...

January 27, 2022