One major drawback of Python’s huge ecosystem is the significant variances in workflows among people trying to accomplish different things. This holds true for dependency management as well. Depending on what you’re doing with Python—whether it’s building reusable libraries, writing web apps, or diving into data science and machine learning—your workflow can look completely different from someone else’s. That being said, my usual approach to any development process is to pick a method and give it a shot to see if it works for my specific needs. Once a process works, I usually automate it and rarely revisit it unless something breaks.
Also, I actively try to abstain from picking up tools that haven’t stood the test of time.
If the workflow laid out here doesn’t work for you and something else does, that’s
fantastic! I just wanted to document a more modern approach to the dependency management
workflow that has reliably worked for me over the years. Plus, I don’t want to be the person
who still uses distutils1 in their package management workflow and gets reprehended by
for doing so.
Defining the scope
Since the dependency management story in Python is a huge mess for whatever reason, to avoid getting yelled at by the most diligent gatekeepers of the internet, I’d like to clarify the scope of this piece. I mainly write web applications in Python and dabble in data science and machine learning every now and then. So yeah, I’m well aware of how great conda2 is when you need to deal with libraries with C dependencies. However, that’s not typically my day-to-day focus. Here, I’ll primarily delve into how I manage dependencies when developing large-scale web apps and reusable libraries.
In applications, I manage my dependencies with pip3 and pip-tools4, and for libraries,
my preferred build backend is hatch5. PEP-6216 attempts to standardize the process of
storing project metadata in a pyproject.toml
file, and I absolutely love the fact that
now, I’ll mostly be able to define all my configurations and dependencies in a single file.
This made me want to rethink how I wanted to manage the dependencies without sailing against
the current recommended standard while also not getting swallowed into the vortex of
conflicting opinions in this space.
In applications
Whether I’m working on a large Django monolith or exposing a microservice via FastAPI or Flask, while packaging an application, I want to be able to:
- Store all project metadata, linter configs, and top-level dependencies in a
file following the PEP-6216 conventions. - Separate the top-level application and development dependencies.
- Generate
files from the requirements specified in the TOML file, where the top-level and their transient dependencies will be pinned to specific versions. - Use vanilla
to build the application hermetically from the locked dependencies specified in therequirements*.txt
The goal is to simply be able to run the following command to install all the pinned dependencies in a reproducible manner:
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
pip-tools allows me to do exactly that. Suppose, you have an app where you’re defining the
top-level dependencies in a canonical pyproject.toml
file like this:
requires-python = ">=3.8"
name = "foo-app"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
dev = [
# Even for an application, specifying a build backend is required.
# Otherwise, pip-compile command will give you an obscure error.
where = ["app"] # ["."] by default
Here, following PEP-621 conventions, we’ve specified the app and dev dependencies in the
sections respectively. Now in
a virtual environment, install pip-tools and run the following commands:
# This will pin the app and dev deps to requirements*.txt files and
# generate hashes for hermetic builds
# Pin the app deps along with their build hashes
pip-compile -o requirements.txt pyproject.toml \
--generate-hashes --strip-extras
# Use the app deps as a constraint while pinning the dev deps so that the
# dev deps don't install anything that conflicts with the app deps
echo "--constraint $(PWD)/requirements.txt" \
| pip-compile --generate-hashes --output-file requirements-dev.txt \
--extra dev - pyproject.toml
Running the commands will create two lock files requirements.txt
where all the pinned top-level and transient dependencies will be
listed out. The contents of the requirements.txt
file looks like this (truncated):
# This file is autogenerated by pip-compile with Python 3.11
# by the following command:
# pip-compile --generate-hashes --output-file=requirements.txt
# --strip-extras pyproject.toml
anyio==3.7.0 \
--hash=sha256:275d9973793619a5374e1c89a4f4ad3f4b0a5510a2b5b939444bee8f4c4d37ce \
# via starlette
click==8.1.3 \
--hash=sha256:7682dc8afb30297001674575ea00d1814d808d6a36af415a82bd481d37ba7b8e \
# via uvicorn
Similarly, the content of requirements-dev.txt
file goes as follows (truncated):
# This file is autogenerated by pip-compile with Python 3.11
# by the following command:
# pip-compile --extra=dev --generate-hashes --output-file=requirements-dev.txt
# - pyproject.toml
anyio==3.7.0 \
--hash=sha256:275d9973793619a5374e1c89a4f4ad3f4b0a5510a2b5b939444bee8f4c4d37ce \
# via
# -r -
# starlette
black==23.3.0 \
--hash=sha256:064101748afa12ad2291c2b91c960be28b817c0c7eaa35bec09cc63aa56493c5 \
--hash=sha256:0945e13506be58bf7db93ee5853243eb368ace1c08a24c65ce108986eac65915 \
Once the lock files are generated, you’re free to build the application in however way you
see fit and the build process doesn’t even need to be aware of the existence of pip-tools
In the simplest case, you can just run pip install
to build the application. Check out
this working example7 that uses the workflow explained in this section.
In libraries
While packaging libraries, I pretty much want the same things mentioned in the application
section. However, the story of dependency management in reusable libraries is a bit more
hairy. Currently, there’s no standard around a lock file and I’m not aware of a way to build
artifacts from a plain requirements.txt
file. For this purpose, my preferred build backend
is hatch5. Mostly because it follows the latest standards formalized by the associated
PEPs. From the FAQ section of the hatch docs:
Q: What is the risk of lock-in?
A: Not much! Other than the plugin system, everything uses Python’s established standards by default. Project metadata is based entirely on PEP-6216/PEP-6318, the build system is compatible with PEP-5179/PEP-66010, versioning uses the scheme specified by PEP-44011, dependencies are defined with PEP-50812 strings, and environments use virtualenv.
However, it doesn’t support lock files yet:
The only caveat is that currently there is no support for re-creating an environment given a set of dependencies in a reproducible manner. Although a standard lock file format may be far off since PEP-66513 was rejected, resolving capabilities are coming to pip. When that is stabilized, Hatch will add locking functionality and dedicated documentation for managing applications.
In my experience, I haven’t faced many issues regarding the lack of support for lock files while building reusable libraries. Your mileage may vary.
Now let’s say we’re trying to package up a CLI that has the following source structure:
The content of
looks like this:
import click
def cli() -> None:
"""Simple cli command to show the version of the package"""
click.echo("Hello from foo-cli!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
The corresponding pyproject.toml
file looks as follows:
requires-python = ">=3.8"
name = "foo-cli"
dependencies = [
version = "0.0.1"
dev = [
foo-cli = "src:cli.cli"
requires = ["hatchling >= 1.7.0"]
build-backend = ""
# We're using setuptools as the build backend
where = ["src"] # ["."] by default
Now install hatch
in your virtualenv and run the following command to create the build
hatch build src
This will create the build artifacts in the src
├── foo_cli-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
└── foo_cli-0.0.1.tar.gz
You can now install the local wheel file to test the build:
pip install foo_cli-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
Once you’ve installed the CLI locally, you can test it by running foo-cli
from your
This returns:
Hello from foo-cli!
You can also build and install the CLI with:
pip install ".[dev]"
Hatch also provides a hatch publish
command to upload the package to PyPI. For a complete
reference, check out how I shipped another CLI14 following this workflow.
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