In Python, there’s a saying that “design patterns are anti-patterns”. Also, in the realm of dynamic languages, design patterns have the notoriety of injecting additional abstraction layers to the core logic and making the flow gratuitously obscure. Python’s dynamic nature and the treatment of functions as first-class objects often make Java-ish design patterns redundant.

Instead of littering your code with seemingly over-engineered patterns, you can almost always take the advantage of Python’s first-class objects, duck-typing, monkey-patching etc to accomplish the task at hand. However, recently there is one design pattern that I find myself using over and over again to write more maintainable code and that is the Proxy pattern. So I thought I’d document it here for future reference.

The proxy pattern

Before diving into the academic definition, let’s try to understand the Proxy pattern from an example.

Have you ever used an access card to go through a door? There are multiple options to open that door i.e. it can be opened either using access card or by pressing a button that bypasses the security. The door’s main functionality is to open but there is a proxy added on top of it to add some functionality. Let me better explain it using the code example below:


class Door:
    def open_method(self) -> None:

class SecuredDoor:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._klass = Door()

    def open_method(self) -> None:
        print(f"Adding security measure to the method of {self._klass}")

secured_door = SecuredDoor()
>>> Adding security measure to the method of <__main__.Door object at 0x7f9dab3b6670>

The above code snippet concretizes the example given before. Here, the Door class has a single method called open_method which denotes the action of opening on the Door object. This method gets extended in the SecuredDoor class and in this case, I’ve just added a print statement to the method of the latter class.

Notice how the class Door was called from SecuredDoor via composition1. In the case of proxy pattern, you can substitute primary object with the proxy object without any additional changes in the code. This conforms to the Liskov Substitution Principle2. It states:

Objects of a superclass shall be replaceable with objects of its subclasses without breaking the application. That requires the objects of your subclasses to behave in the same way as the objects of your superclass.

The Door object can be replaced by the SecuredDoor and the SecuredDoor class does not introduce any new methods, it only extends the functionality of the open_method of the Door class.

In plain words:

Using the proxy pattern, a class represents the functionality of another class.

Wikipedia says:

A proxy, in its most general form, is a class functioning as an interface to something else. A proxy is a wrapper or agent object that is being called by the client to access the real serving object behind the scenes. Use of the proxy can simply be forwarding to the real object, or can provide additional logic. In the proxy extra functionality can be provided, for example caching when operations on the real object are resource intensive, or checking preconditions before operations on the real object are invoked.

Pedagogically, the proxy pattern belongs to a family of patterns called the structural pattern3.

Why use it?

Loose coupling

Proxy pattern let’s you easily decouple your core logic from the added functionalities that might be needed on top of that. The modular nature of the code makes maintaining and extending the functionalities of your primary logic a lot quicker and easier.

Suppose, you’re defining a division function that takes takes two integer as arguments and returns the result of the division between them. It also handles edge cases like ZeroDivisionError or TypeError and logs them properly.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Union


Number = Union[int, float]

def division(a: Number, b: Number) -> float:
        result = a / b
        return result

    except ZeroDivisionError:
        logging.error(f"Argument b cannot be {b}")

    except TypeError:
        logging.error("Arguments must be integers/floats")

print(division(1.9, 2))
>>> 0.95

You can see this function is already doing three things at once which violates the Single Responsibility Principle4. SRP says that a function or class should have only one reason to change. In this case, a change in any of the three responsibilities can force the function to change. Also this means, changing or extending the function can be difficult to keep track of.

Instead, you can write two classes. The primary class Division will only implement the core logic while another class ProxyDivision will extend the functionality of Division by adding exception handlers and loggers.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Union


Number = Union[int, float]

class Division:
    def div(self, a: Number, b: Number) -> Number:
        return a / b

class ProxyDivision:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._klass = Division()

    def div(self, a: Number, b: Number) -> Number:
            result = self._klass.div(a, b)
            return result

        except ZeroDivisionError:
            logging.error(f"Argument b cannot be {b}")

        except TypeError:
            logging.error("Arguments must be integers/floats")

klass = ProxyDivision()
print(klass.div(2, 0))
>>> ERROR:root:Argument b cannot be 0

In the example above, since both Division and ProxyDivision class implement the same interface, you can swap out the Division class with ProxyDivision and vice versa. The second class neither inherits directly from the first class nor it adds any new method to it. This means you can easily write another class to extend the functionalities of Division or DivisionProxy class without touching their internal logics directly.

Enhanced testability

Another great advantage of using the proxy pattern is enhanced testability. Since your core logic is loosely coupled with the extended functionalities, you can test them out separately. This makes the test more succinct and modular. It’s easy to demonstrate the benefits with our previously mentioned Division and ProxyDivision classes. Here, the logic of the primary class is easy to follow and since this class only holds the core logic, it’s crucial to write unit test for this before testing the added functionalities.

Testing out the Division class is much cleaner than testing the previously defined division function that tries to do multiple things at once. Once you’re done testing the primary class, you can proceed with the additional functionalities. Usually, this decoupling of core logic from the cruft and the encapsulation of additional functionalities result in more reliable and rigorous unit tests.

Proxy pattern with interface

In the real world, your class won’t look like the simple Division class having only a single method. Usually your primary class will have multiple methods and they will carry out multiple sophisticated tasks. By now, you probably have grasped the fact that the proxy classes need to implement all of the methods of the primary class. While writing a proxy class for a complicated primary class, the author of that class might forget to implement all the methods of the primary class.This will lead to a violation of the proxy pattern. Also, it can be hard to follow all the methods of the primary class if the class is large and complicated.

Here, the solution is an interface that can signal the author of the proxy class about all the methods that need to be implemented. An interface is nothing but an abstract class that dictates all the methods a concrete class needs to implement. However, interfaces can’t be initialized independently. You’ll have to make a subclass of the interface and implement all the methods defined there. Your subclass will raise error if it fails to implement any of the methods of the interface. Let’s look at a minimal example of how you can write an interface using Python’s abc.ABC and abc.abstractmethod and achieve proxy pattern with that.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Interface(ABC):
    """Interfaces of Interface, Concrete & Proxy should
    be the same, because the client should be able to use
    Concrete or Proxy without any change in their internals.

    def job_a(self, user: str) -> None:

    def job_b(self, user: str) -> None:

class Concrete(Interface):
    """This is the main job doer. External services like
    payment gateways can be a good example.

    def job_a(self, user: str) -> None:
        print(f"I am doing the job_a for {user}")

    def job_b(self, user: str) -> None:
        print(f"I am doing the job_b for {user}")

class Proxy(Interface):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._concrete = Concrete()

    def job_a(self, user: str) -> None:
        print(f"I'm extending job_a for user {user}")

    def job_b(self, user: str) -> None:
        print(f"I'm extending job_b for user {user}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    klass = Proxy()
>>> I'm extending job_a for user red
    I'm extending job_b for user nafi

It’s evident from the above workflow that you’ll need to define an Interface class first. Python provides abstract base classes as ABC in the abc module. Abstract class Interface inherits from ABC and defines all the methods that the concrete class will have to implement later. Concrete class inherits from the interface and implements all the methods defined in it. Notice how each method in the Interface class is decorated with the @abstractmethod decorator. If your knowledge on decorator is fuzzy, then checkout this5 post on Python decorators. The @abstractmethod decorator turns a normal method into an abstract method which means that the method is nothing but a blueprint of the required methods that the concrete subclass will have to implement later. You can’t directly instantiate Interface or use any of the abstract methods without making subclasses of the interface and implementing the methods.

The second class Concrete is the actual class that inherits from the abstract base class (interface) Interface and implements all the methods mentioned as abstract methods. This is a real class that you can instantiate and the methods can be used directly. However, if you forget to implement any of the abstract methods defined in the Interface then you’ll invoke TypeError.

The third class Proxy extends the functionalities of the base concrete class Concrete. It calls the Concrete class using the composition pattern and implements all the methods. However, in this case, I used the results from the concrete methods and extended their functionalities without code duplication.

Another practical example

Let’s play around with one last real-world example to concretize the concept. Suppose, you want to collect data from an external API endpoint. To do so, you hit the endpoint with GET requests from your HTTP client and collect the responses in json format. Then say, you also want to inspect the response header and the arguments that were passed while making the request.

Now, in the real world, public APIs will often impose rate limits and when you go over the limit with multiple get requests, your client will likely throw an http connection-timeout error. Say, you want to handle this exceptions outside of the core logic that will send the HTTP GET requests.

Again, let’s say you also want to cache the responses if the client has seen the arguments in the requests before. This means, when you send requests with the same arguments multiple times, instead of hitting the APIs with redundant requests, the client will show you the responses from the cache. Caching improves API response time dramatically.

For this demonstration, I’ll be using Postman’s publicly available GET API.

This API is perfect for the demonstration since it has a rate limiter that kicks in arbitrarily and make the client throw ConnectTimeOut and ReadTimeOutError. See how this workflow is going to look like:

  • Define an interface called IFetchUrl that will implement three abstract methods. The first method get_data will fetch data from the URL and serialize them into json format. The second method get_headers will probe the data and return the header as a dictionary. The third method get_args will also probe the data like the second method but this time it will return the query arguments as a dictionary. However, in the interface, you won’t be implementing anything inside the methods.

  • Make a concrete class named FetchUrl that will derive from interface IFetchUrl. This time you’ll implement all three methods defined in the abstract class. However, you shouldn’t handle any edge cases here. The method should contain pure logic flow without any extra fluff.

  • Make a proxy class called ExcFetchUrl. It will also inherit from the interface but this time you’ll add your exception handling logics here. This class also adds logging functionality to all the methods. Here you call the concrete class FetchUrl in a composition format and avoid code repetition by using the methods that’s been already implemented in the concrete class. Like the FetchUrl class, here too, you’ve to implement all the methods found in the abstract class.

  • The fourth and the final class will extend the ExcFetchUrl and add caching functionality to the get_data method. It will follow the same pattern as the ExcFetchUrl class.

Since, by now, you’re already familiar with the workflow of the proxy pattern, let’s dump the entire 110 line solution all at once.

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import logging
import sys
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from pprint import pprint

import httpx
from httpx import ConnectTimeout, ReadTimeout
from typing import Any


D = dict[str, Any]

class IFetchUrl(ABC):
    """Abstract base class. You can't instantiate this independently."""

    def get_data(self, url: str) -> D:

    def get_headers(self, data: D) -> D:

    def get_args(self, data: D) -> D:

class FetchUrl(IFetchUrl):
    """Concrete class that doesn't handle exceptions and loggings."""

    def get_data(self, url: str) -> D:
        with httpx.Client() as client:
            response = client.get(url)
            data = response.json()
            return data

    def get_headers(self, data: D) -> D:
        return data["headers"]

    def get_args(self, data: D) -> D:
        return data["args"]

class ExcFetchUrl(IFetchUrl):
    """This class can be swapped out with the FetchUrl class.
    It provides additional exception handling and logging."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._fetch_url = FetchUrl()

    def get_data(self, url: str) -> D:
            data = self._fetch_url.get_data(url)
            return data

        except ConnectTimeout:
            logging.error("Connection time out. Try again later.")

        except ReadTimeout:
            logging.error("Read timed out. Try again later.")

    def get_headers(self, data: D) -> D:
        headers = self._fetch_url.get_headers(data)"Getting the headers at {}")
        return headers

    def get_args(self, data: D) -> D:
        args = self._fetch_url.get_args(data)"Getting the args at {}")
        return args

class CacheFetchUrl(IFetchUrl):
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._fetch_url = ExcFetchUrl()
        self.get_data = functools.lru_cache()(self.get_data)  # type: ignore

    def get_data(self, url: str) -> D:
        data = self._fetch_url.get_data(url)
        return data

    def get_headers(self, data: D) -> D:
        headers = self._fetch_url.get_headers(data)
        return headers

    def get_args(self, data: D) -> D:
        args = self._fetch_url.get_args(data)
        return args

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # url = ""

    fetch = CacheFetchUrl()
    for arg1, arg2 in zip([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]):
        url = f"{arg1}&foo2=bar_{arg2}"
        print(f"\n {'-'*75}\n")
        data = fetch.get_data(url)
        print(f"Cache Info: {fetch.get_data.cache_info()}")  # type: ignore

INFO:root:Getting the headers at 2022-01-31 16:54:36.214562
INFO:root:Getting the args at 2022-01-31 16:54:36.220221
Cache Info: CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=1, maxsize=32, currsize=1)
{'accept': '*/*',
    'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
    'content-length': '0',
    'host': '',
    'user-agent': 'python-httpx/0.13.1',
    'x-amzn-trace-id': 'Root=1-5ee8a4eb-4341ae58365e4090660dfaa4',
    'x-b3-parentspanid': '044bd10726921994',
    'x-b3-sampled': '0',
    'x-b3-spanid': '503e6ceaa2a4f493',
    'x-b3-traceid': '77d5b03fe98fcc1a044bd10726921994',
    'x-envoy-external-address': '',
    'x-forwarded-client-cert': 'By=spiffe://cluster.local/ns/pm-echo-istio/sa/default;
    'x-forwarded-port': '443',
    'x-forwarded-proto': 'http',
    'x-request-id': '295d0b6c-7aa0-4481-aa4d-f47f5eac7d57'}
{'foo1': 'bar_1', 'foo2': 'bar_1'}


In the get_data method of the FetchUrl class, I’ve used the awesome HTTPx6 client to fetch the data from the URL. Pay attention to the fact that I’ve practically ignored all the additional logics of error handling and logging here. The exception handling and logging logic were added via ExcFetchUrl proxy class. Another class CacheFetchUrl further extends the proxy class ExcFetchUrl by adding cache functionality to the get_data method.

In the main section, you can use any of the FetchUrl, ExcFetchUrl or CacheFetchUrl without any additional changes to the logic of these classes. The FetchUrl is the barebone class that will fail in case of the occurrence of any exceptions. The latter classes appends additional functionalities while maintaining the same interface.

The output basically prints out the results returned by the get_headers and get_args methods. Also notice, how I picked the endpoint arguments to simulate caching. The Cache Info: on the third line of the output shows when data is served from the cache. Here, hits=0 means data is served directly from the external API. However, if you inspect the later outputs, you’ll see when the query arguments get repeated ([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]), Cache Info: will show higher hit counts. This means that the data is being served from the cache.

Should you use it?

Well, yes obviously. But not always. You see, you need a little bit of planning before orchestrating declarative solution with the proxy pattern. It’s not viable to write code in this manner in a throwaway script that you don’t have to maintain in the long run. Also, this OOP-cursed additional layers of abstraction can make your code subjectively unreadable. So use the pattern wisely. On the flip side, proxy pattern can come in handy when you need to extend the functionality of some class arbitrarily as it can work a gateway to the El Dorado of loose coupling.

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