Static type checkers like Mypy follow your code flow and statically try to figure out the types of the variables without you having to explicitly annotate inline expressions. For example:

from __future__ import annotations

def check(x: int | float) -> str:
    if not isinstance(x, int):
        # Type is now 'float'.

        # Type is now 'int'.

    return str(x)

The reveal_type function is provided by Mypy and you don’t need to import this. But remember to remove the function before executing the snippet. Otherwise, Python will raise a runtime error as the function is only understood by Mypy. If you run Mypy against this snippet, it’ll print the following lines: note: Revealed type is "builtins.float" note: Revealed type is ""

Here, I didn’t have to explicitly tell the type checker how the conditionals narrow the types.

Static type checkers commonly employ a technique called ’type narrowing’ to determine a more precise type of an expression within a program’s code flow. When type narrowing is applied within a block of code based on a conditional code flow statement (such as if and while statements), the conditional expression is sometimes referred to as a ’type guard’. — PEP-647

So, in the above snippet, Mypy performed type narrowing to determine the more precise type of the variable x; and the if ... else conditionals, in this case, is known as type guards.

However, when the type checker encounters a complex expression, often time, it can’t figure out the types statically. Mypy will complain when it faces one of these issues:

from __future__ import annotations

# In <Python3.9, import this from the 'typing' module.
from import Sequence

def check_sequence_str(container: Sequence[object]) -> bool:
    """Check all objects in the container is of type str."""

    return all(isinstance(elem, str) for elem in container)

def concat(
    container: Sequence[object],
    sep: str = "-",
) -> str | None:
    """Concat a sequence of string with the 'sep'."""

    if check_sequence_str(container):
        return f"{sep}".join(container)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Mypy complains here, as it can't figure out the
    # container type.
    concat(["hello", "world"])

Here, the check_sequence_str checks whether the input argument is a sequence of strings in runtime. Then in the concat function, I used it to check whether the input conforms to the expected type requirement; if it does, the function performs string concatenation on the input and returns the value. Otherwise, it returns None. If you run mypy against this, it’ll complain: error: Argument 1 to "join" of "str" has incompatible type

expected "Iterable[str]"
            return f"{sep}".join(container)
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

The type checker can’t figure out that the container type is list[str].

Functions like check_sequence_str that—checks the type of an input object and returns a boolean—are called type guard functions. PEP-647 proposed a TypeGuard class to help the type checkers to narrow down types from more complex expressions. Python 3.10 added the TypeGuard class to the typing module. You can use it like this:


# In <Python3.10, import this from 'typing_extensions' module.
from typing import TypeGuard

def check_sequence_str(
    container: Sequence[object],
) -> TypeGuard[Sequence[str]]:
    """Check all objects in the container is of type str."""

    return all(isinstance(elem, str) for elem in container)


Notice that the return type now has the expected type defined inside the TypeGuard generic. Now, Mypy will be satisfied if you run it against the modified snippet.

Properties of type guard functions

You’ve already seen how check_sequence_str narrows down the type of an object in runtime. Functions like this can be loosely called user-defined type guard functions. However, to be considered a proper type guard function by the type checker, the callable needs to pass through a few more checks.

When TypeGuard is used to annotate the return type of a function or method that accepts at least one parameter, that function or method is treated by type checkers as a user-defined type guard. The type argument provided for TypeGuard indicates the type that has been validated by the function. — PEP-647

  • Usually, a type guard function only takes a single parameter and returns a boolean value based on the conformity of the type of the incoming object with the expected type. The expected type needs to be wrapped in TypeGuard and added as the return type annotation.

  • Type checkers will only check if the first positional argument conforms to the expected return type annotation. It’ll ignore other parameters if there is more than one.

  • If you define a type guard callable in a class, in that case, the type checker will ignore self/cls argument and check the second positional parameter for type conformity. Additional parameters won’t be checked.

  • The input type is usually wider than the output type. In our example case, the input type Sequence[object] is less specific than that of the return type Sequence[str]. However, this is mostly a convention and not enforced by any means.

The return type of a user-defined type guard function will normally refer to a type that is strictly “narrower” than the type of the first argument (that is, it’s a more specific type that can be assigned to the more general type). However, it is not required that the return type be strictly narrower. — PEP-647

Generic type guard functions

User-defined type guards can be generic functions, as shown in this example:

from __future__ import annotations

# In <Python3.9, import these from the 'typing' module.
from import Generator, Sequence

# In <Python3.10, import TypeGuard from 'typing_extensions'.
from typing import TypeGuard, TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T")

def list_of_t(
    container: Sequence[T],
    types: tuple = (int, str),  # Allowed types in the container.
) -> TypeGuard[list[T]]:
    return all(isinstance(elem, types) for elem in container)

def process(container: Sequence[T]) -> Generator[T, None, None]:
    if list_of_t(container):
        for elem in container:
            yield elem

if __name__ == "__main__":
    container = ["jupiter", "mars"]
    for elem in process(container):

Here, type guard function list_of_t is a generic function since it accepts a generic container Sequence[T]. The first parameter is the input type that the type checker will focus on, and the second parameter denotes the default types that are allowed inside the output list. Running the snippet will print jupiter and mars in the console and mypy will also be happy with the types.

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