Python offers a ton of ways like os.system or os.spawn* to create new processes and run arbitrary commands in your system. However, the documentation usually encourages you to use the subprocess1 module for creating and managing child processes. The subprocess module exposes a high-level run() function that provides a simple interface for running a subprocess and waiting for it to complete. It accepts the command to run as a list of strings, starts the subprocess, waits for it to finish, and then returns a CompletedProcess object with information about the result. For example:

import subprocess

# Here, result is an instance of CompletedProcess
result =["ls", "-lah"], capture_output=True, encoding="utf-8")

# No exception means clean exit

This prints:

drwxr-xr-x   4 rednafi  staff   128B Jul  8 12:10 ..
-rw-r--r--@  1 rednafi  staff   250B Jul  8 12:10 .editorconfig
drwxr-xr-x@ 16 rednafi  staff   512B Jul 13 14:47 .git
drwxr-xr-x@  4 rednafi  staff   128B Jul  8 12:10 .github

This works great when you’re carrying out simple and synchronous workflows, but it doesn’t offer enough flexibility when you need to fork multiple processes and want the processes to run in parallel. I was working on a project where I wanted to glue a bunch of programs together with Python and needed a way to run composite shell commands with pipes, e.g. echo 'foo\nbar' | grep 'foo'. So I got curious to see how I could emulate that in Python.

Turns out you can do that easily with subprocess.Popen. This function allows for more control over the subprocess. It starts the process and returns a Popen object immediately, without waiting for the command to complete. This allows you to continue executing code while the subprocess runs in parallel. Popen has methods like poll() to check if the process has finished, wait() to wait for completion, and communicate() for interacting with stdin/stdout/stderr. For example:

import subprocess
import time

procs = []
for ip in ("", ""):
    print(f"Pinging {ip}...")

    proc = subprocess.Popen(["ping", "-c1", ip])

    print(f"Process {} started")

# Do other stuff here while ping is running
print("Napping for a second...")

# Wait for the processes to finish
for proc in procs:
    print(f"Process {} finished with code {proc.returncode}")

The above example shows how you can fire off subprocess tasks to run in parallel, let them chug along in the background, do other stuff, and then collect the results at the end when you need them. The goal here is to ping a couple of IP addresses in parallel using the subprocess module. First, it creates an empty list to store the processes. Then it loops through the IPs, printing a message and kicking off a ping for each one using Popen() so they run asynchronously in the background. The Popen objects get appended to the procs list.

After starting the pings, it simulates doing other work by sleeping for a second. Then it loops through the processes again, waits for each one to finish with communicate(), and prints out the process ID and return code for each ping. Running the script will give you the following result (truncated for brevity):

Process 76242 started
Process 76243 started

Napping for a second...

64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=56 time=26.305 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=54 time=27.365 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0.0% packet loss

--- ping statistics ---
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 26.305/26.305/26.305/0.000 ms

Process 76242 finished with code 0
Process 76243 finished with code 0

Now that we can run processes asynchronously and gather results, I’ll demonstrate how I emulated a composite UNIX command using that technique.

Emulating UNIX pipes

Say you want to emulate the following shell command:

ps -ef | head -5

I’m running MacOS. So this returns:

0     1    0 0 Fri04PM  ??   23:45.79 /sbin/launchd
0   353    1 0 Fri04PM  ??   3:26.62  /usr/libexec/logd
0   354    1 0 Fri04PM  ??   0:00.09  /usr/libexec/smd
0   355    1 0 Fri04PM  ??   0:25.56  /usr/libexec/UserEventAgent (System)

The ps -ef command outputs a full list of running processes, then the pipe symbol sends that output as input to the head -5 command, which reads the first 5 lines from that input and prints just those, essentially slicing off the top 5 processes. We can emulate this in Python as follows:

import subprocess

# Run 'ps -ef' and pipe the output to 'head -n 5'
ps_cmd = subprocess.Popen(["ps", "-ef"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

# Run 'head -n 5' and pipe the output of 'ps -ef' to it
head_cmd = subprocess.Popen(
    ["head", "-n", "5"],

stdout, stderr = head_cmd.communicate()

This snippet uses the subprocess.Popen to run shell commands and pipe the outputs between them. First, ps_cmd executes ps -ef and sends the full output to the subprocess.PIPE buffer. Next, head_cmd runs head -n 5. The stdin of head_cmd is set to the stdout of ps_cmd. This pipes the stdout from ps_cmd as input to head_cmd. Finally, head_cmd.communicate() runs the composite command and waits for the whole thing to finish. The final output of this snippet is the same as the ps -ef | head -5 command.

Here’s another example where we’ll emulate the sha256sum < <(echo 'foo') command. On the left side, sha256sum computes the SHA-256 cryptographic hash of an input. The construct <(echo 'foo') creates a temporary file descriptor containing the output ‘foo’ from echo, which is then redirected via < as standard input to sha256sum. Together this computes and prints the SHA-256 hash of the input string without needing an actual file. In this particular case, we want to compute the hash of 3 different inputs in parallel by spawning three separate processes.

import subprocess
import os

def calculate_hash(plaintext: bytes) -> subprocess.Popen:
    # Create a new process for each pass of hashing
    proc = subprocess.Popen(
        ["sha256sum"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE

    # Send the plaintext to the stdin of the child process

    # Ensure that the child gets input
    return proc

procs = []
for _ in range(3):
    proc = calculate_hash(os.urandom(10))

for proc in procs:
    stdout, _ = proc.communicate()

Running this snippet will display the 3 hashes:

3db9d86f16a60907f261f97f6b9b3dce97416056dc65b9608921ee80c71885a3  -
1ee3de4990a3bca56454d6b3fb94cba1275c8c2f19a8ce6dca5cb2779b5152a7  -
f9aa6903c454c70f037328fa1504bf66700e6fdb20407fe1830223e3acec2028  -

First, we define a function called calculate_hash that accepts a bytes plaintext input and returns a subprocess.Popen object. This function will spawn a new child process running the sha256sum command. The stdin and stdout of the child process are configured as subprocess.PIPE using the Popen constructor. This enables data to be piped between the parent and child processes. Inside calculate_hash, the plaintext input is written to the stdin pipe of the child process using proc.stdin.write(). This pipes the data into the child’s standard input stream. Next, proc.stdin.flush() method is called to ensure the child process actually receives the input.

The main logic begins by initializing an empty list called procs. Then a loop runs 3 times, each time generating a random 10-byte string using os.urandom. This string is passed to calculate_hash, which spawns a new sha256sum child process, pipes the random data to it, and returns the Popen object representing the child. Each Popen is appended to the procs list, so now there are 3 child processes running in parallel.

Finally, the procs list is iterated through and proc.communicate() is called on each Popen instance to read back the stdout pipe from the child. This contains the output of sha256sum, which is the hash of the random input string. The hash is then decoded, stripped, and printed to the console.

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