Don't wrap instance methods with 'functools.lru_cache' decorator in Python
Recently, fell into this trap as I wanted to speed up a slow instance method by caching it. When you decorate an instance method with functools.lru_cache decorator, the instances of the class encapsulating that method never get garbage collected within the lifetime of the process holding them. Let’s consider this example: # import functools import time from typing import TypeVar Number = TypeVar("Number", int, float, complex) class SlowAdder: def __init__(self, delay: int = 1) -> None: self.delay = delay @functools.lru_cache def calculate(self, *args: Number) -> Number: time.sleep(self.delay) return sum(args) def __del__(self) -> None: print("Deleting instance ...") # Create a SlowAdder instance. slow_adder = SlowAdder(2) # Measure performance. start_time = time.perf_counter() # ---------------------------------------------- result = slow_adder.calculate(1, 2) # ---------------------------------------------- end_time = time.perf_counter() print(f"Calculation took {end_time-start_time} seconds, result: {result}.") start_time = time.perf_counter() # ---------------------------------------------- result = slow_adder.calculate(1, 2) # ---------------------------------------------- end_time = time.perf_counter() print(f"Calculation took {end_time-start_time} seconds, result: {result}.") Here, I’ve created a simple SlowAdder class that accepts a delay value; then it sleeps for delay seconds and calculates the sum of the inputs in the calculate method. To avoid this slow recalculation for the same arguments, the calculate method was wrapped in the lru_cache decorator. The __del__ method notifies us when the garbage collection has successfully cleaned up instances of the class. ...