February 18 GopherCon 2022: Compatibility: How Go programs keep working - Russ Cox Russ Cox talks about Go’s compatibility promises and how to write code that makes it easier for the Go team to guarantee compatibility. February 15 The official ten-year retrospective of NewSQL databases - Andy Pavlo I still have a hard time explaining the difference between wide-column (column-family) databases like Cassandra/ScyllaDB and NewSQL databases like Spanner/CockroachDB. ...


December 31 Exploring network programming by building a Toxiproxy clone – Jordan Neufeld Great talk by Jordan Neufeld on building a toy proxy server in Go that adds latency between upstream and downstream connections. It sits between a client and server, introducing delays, dropping connections, and simulating errors for chaos testing. December 26 Reflecting on life – Armin Ronacher The best way to completely destroy your long term satisfaction is if the effort you are putting into something, is not reciprocated or the nature of the work feels meaningless. It’s an obvious privilege to recommend that one shall not work for exploitative employers but you owe yourself to get this right. With time you build trust in yourself, and the best way to put this trust to use, is to break out of exploitative relationships. ...