I love Go’s implicit interfaces. While convenient, they can also introduce subtle bugs unless you’re careful. Types expected to conform to certain interfaces can fluidly add or remove methods. The compiler will only complain if an identifier anticipates an interface, but is passed a type that doesn’t implement that interface. This can be problematic if you need to export types that are required to implement specific interfaces as part of their API contract.
However, there’s a way you can statically check interface conformity at compile time with zero runtime overhead. Turns out, this was always buried in Effective Go1. Observe:
import "io"
// Interface guard
var _ io.ReadWriter = (*T)(nil)
type T struct {
func (t *T) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
// ...
func (t *T) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
// ...
We’re checking if struct T
implements the io.ReadWriter
interface. It needs to have both
and Write
methods defined. The type conformity is explicitly checked via
var _ io.ReadWriter = (*T)(nil)
. It verifies that a nil
pointer to a value of type T
conforms to the io.ReadWriter
interface. The code will fail to compile if the type ever
stops matching the interface.
This is only possible because nil
values in Go can assume many different2 types. In
this case, var _ io.ReadWriter = T{}
will also work, but then you’ll have to fiddle with
different zero values if the type isn’t a struct. One important thing to point out is that
we’re using _
because we don’t want to accidentally refer to this nil
pointer anywhere
in our code. Also, trying to access any method on it will cause runtime panic.
Here’s another example borrowed from Uber’s style guide3:
No check:
type Handler struct {
func (h *Handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
type Handler struct {
// ...
// Interface guard
var _ http.Handler = (*Handler)(nil)
func (h *Handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
Neat, but don’t abuse this. Effective Go warns4:
Don’t do this for every type that satisfies an interface, though. By convention, such declarations are only used when there are no static conversions already present in the code, which is a rare event.
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