I used reach for reflection whenever I needed a Retry function in Go. It’s fun to write, but gets messy quite quickly.

Here’s a rudimentary Retry function that does the following:

  • It takes in another function that accepts arbitrary arguments.
  • Then tries to execute the wrapped function.
  • If the wrapped function returns an error after execution, Retry attempts to run the underlying function n times with some backoff.

The following implementation leverages the reflect module to achieve the above goals. We’re intentionally avoiding complex retry logic for brevity:

func Retry(
    fn interface{}, args []interface{}, maxRetry int,
    startBackoff, maxBackoff time.Duration) ([]reflect.Value, error) {

    fnVal := reflect.ValueOf(fn)
    if fnVal.Kind() != reflect.Func {
        return nil, errors.New("retry: function type required")

    argVals := make([]reflect.Value, len(args))
    for i, arg := range args {
        argVals[i] = reflect.ValueOf(arg)

    for attempt := 0; attempt < maxRetry; attempt++ {
        result := fnVal.Call(argVals)
        errVal := result[len(result)-1]

        if errVal.IsNil() {
            return result, nil
        if attempt == maxRetry-1 {
            return result, errVal.Interface().(error)
        if startBackoff < maxBackoff {
            startBackoff *= 2
            "Retrying function call, attempt: %d, error: %v\n",
            attempt+1, errVal,
    return nil, fmt.Errorf("retry: max retries reached without success")

The Retry function uses reflection to call a function passed as an interface{}. It handles the function’s arguments, which are given in an interface{} slice. This approach allows us to run functions with varied signatures. Reflection, using reflect.ValueOf(fn).Call(argVals), dynamically invokes the target function. It converts its arguments from interface{} to reflect.Value types.

Within the retry logic, it tries up to maxRetry times, using exponential backoff to set the delay between retries. The delay begins at startBackoff, doubles after each failure, and is limited by maxBackoff to avoid long waits. The function looks for errors in the last return value of the called function. If it finds an error and there are retries left, it waits for the backoff period before trying again. Otherwise, it gives up with an error message.

You can wrap a dummy function that always returns an error to see how Retry works:

func main() {
    someFunc := func(a, b int) (int, error) {
        fmt.Printf("Function called with a: %d and b: %d\n", a, b)
        return 42, errors.New("some error")
    result, err := Retry(
        someFunc, []interface{}{42, 100}, 3, 1*time.Second, 4*time.Second,
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Function execution failed:", err)
    fmt.Println("Function executed successfully:", result[0])

Running it will give you the following output:

Function called with a: 42 and b: 100
Retrying function call, attempt: 1, error: some error
Function called with a: 42 and b: 100
Retrying function call, attempt: 2, error: some error
Function called with a: 42 and b: 100
Function execution failed: some error

This isn’t too terrible for a reflection-infested code snippet. However, now that Go has generics, I wanted to see if I could leverage that to avoid metaprogramming. While reflection is powerful, it’s quite easy to run buggy code that causes runtime panics. Plus, the compiler can’t do many of the type checks when the underlying code leverages the dynamic features.

Turns out, there’s a way to write the same functionality with generics if you don’t mind trading off some flexibility for shorter and more type-safe code. Here’s how:

// Define a generic function type that can return an error
type Func[T any] func() (T, error)

func Retry[T any](
    fn Func[T], args []any, maxRetry int,
    startBackoff, maxBackoff time.Duration) (T, error) {

    var zero T // Zero value for the function's return type

    for attempt := 0; attempt < maxRetry; attempt++ {
        result, err := fn(args...)

        if err == nil {
            return result, nil
        if attempt == maxRetry-1 {
            return zero, err // Return with error after max retries
            "Retrying function call, attempt: %d, error: %v\n",
            attempt+1, err,
        if startBackoff < maxBackoff {
            startBackoff *= 2
    return zero, fmt.Errorf("retry: max retries reached without success")

Functionally, the generic implementation works the same way as the previous one. However, it has a few limitations:

  • The generic Retry function assumes that the wrapped function will always return the result as the first value and error as the second. This works well since it’s a common Go idiom, but the reflection version could dynamically handle different return value patterns.

  • The reflection-based Retry can directly wrap any function because it accepts an empty interface. The generic Retry needs the target function to match the expected signature. So you have to create a thin wrapper function to adapt the signatures. This wrapper function is necessary to make the process somewhat type-safe.

Here’s how you’d use the generic Retry function:

func main() {
    someFunc := func(a, b int) (int, error) {
        fmt.Printf("Function called with a: %d and b: %d\n", a, b)
        return 42, errors.New("some error")
    wrappedFunc := func(args ...any) (any, error) {
        return someFunc(args[0].(int), args[1].(int))
    result, err := Retry(
        wrappedFunc, []interface{}{42, 100}, 3, 1*time.Second, 4*time.Second,
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Function execution failed:", err)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Function executed successfully:", result)

Running it will give you the same output as before.

Notice how someFunc is wrapped in a wrappedFunc where wrappedFunc has the signature that Retry expects. Then inside, the someFunc function is called with the appropriate arguments. This type of adaptation gymnastics is necessary to make the process acceptably type-safe. Personally, I don’t mind it if it means I get to avoid reflections to achieve the same result. Also, the generic version is a tad bit more performant.

After this entry went live, Anton Zhiyanov1 pointed out on Twitter2 that there’s a closure-based approach that’s even simpler and eliminates the need for generics. The implementation looks like this:

func Retry(
    fn func() error,
    maxRetry int, startBackoff, maxBackoff time.Duration) {

    for attempt := 0; ; attempt++ {
        if err := fn(); err == nil {

        if attempt == maxRetry-1 {

        fmt.Printf("Retrying after %s\n", startBackoff)
        if startBackoff < maxBackoff {
            startBackoff *= 2

Now, calling Retry is much easier since the signature of the closure function it accepts is static. So you won’t need to adapt your retry call whenever the signature of the wrapped function changes. You’d call it as follows:

func main() {
    someFunc := func(a, b int) (int, error) {
        fmt.Printf("Function called with a: %d and b: %d\n", a, b)
        return 42, errors.New("some error")

    var res int
    var err error

        func() error {
            res, err = someFunc(42, 100)
            return err
        3, 1*time.Second,

    fmt.Println(res, err)

The runtime behavior of this version is the same as the ones before.


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