Before the release of version 1.21, you couldn’t set levels for your log messages in Go without either using third-party libraries or writing your own boilerplates. Coming from Python, I’ve always found this odd, considering that this capability has been in the Python standard library forever. However, it seems like the new log/slog subpackage in Go allows you to do that and a whole lot more.

Apart from being able to add levels to log messages, slog also allows you to emit JSON-structured log messages and group them by certain attributes. The ability to do all this in-house is quite neat and I wanted to take it for a spin. The official documentation1 on this is on the terser side but still comprehensive. So, here, instead of repeating the same information, I wanted to write something for me that mainly highlights the most common cases.


Here’s how you’d add levels to your log messages:

package main

import (

func main() {
    slog.Debug("a debug message")
    slog.Info("an info message")
    slog.Warn("a warning message")
    slog.Error("an error message")

Running this will print the following output.

2023/08/10 17:10:11 INFO an info message
2023/08/10 17:10:11 WARN a warning message
2023/08/10 17:10:11 ERROR an error message

Notice how the concomitant local time and level are prepended to each log message. Also, observe that the DEBUG message is missing there. That’s because the default log handler will only print messages if the log level is INFO or higher. We’ll see how we can set custom log levels shortly. But before that here’s a quick overview of how the different components of slog work together.


The slog package lets you create Logger instances. These instances have methods like Info() and Error() that you can call to log stuff. When you call one of these methods, it creates a Record from the data you passed in and sends it to a Handler. The Handler figures out what to actually do with the log—like print it somewhere or send it over the network. You can write your own or use one of the predefined TextHandler or JSONHandler to format your log output.

There’s a default Logger you can use right away with functions like Info() and Error() at the top level. Underneath, the Info() function calls the Logger.Info() method. This means you don’t need to create a Logger instance by hand just to start logging. You’ve already seen how we can use these top-level functions to send different levels of logs to the stdout.

Each log entry has an associated severity level which is represented by an integer. The more severe the log level is, the higher the value of the integer will be. The default logger only emits LevelInfo or higher levels of log messages. Predefined levels have the following values:

const (
    LevelDebug Level = -4
    LevelInfo  Level = 0
    LevelWarn  Level = 4
    LevelError Level = 8

Using custom log handlers

You can use predefined custom handlers to change the format of your log output. The following snippet creates a new Logger instance from a TextHandler instance and then uses that to print log messages to the stdout:

// Define a new TextHandler
h := slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, nil)

// Update the default Logger to use the new handler

// Use the logger as usual
slog.Info("an info message")
slog.Warn("a warning message")

Running this prints:

time=2023-08-10T23:57:39.914-04:00 level=INFO msg="an info message"
time=2023-08-10T23:57:39.915-04:00 level=WARN msg="a warning message"

The NewTextHandler function has two arguments: the first one takes in a type that implements the io.Writer interface and the second one accepts a HandlerOptions struct. The HandlerOptions struct can be used to customize the output format. We can pass nil for this value if we don’t need to change the handler’s default output format.

We’re passing os.Stdout as the first argument to direct the log messages to stdout and nil as the second argument. The NewTextHandler returns a *slog.TextHandler struct pointer which is passed to slog.New to get a new Logger instance. Then we set this newly created Logger as the default one via the slog.SetDefault() function. Finally, the updated logger is used to print an info and a warning message. Notice how the TextHandler output records are constituted as key-value attribute pairs.

Printing log messages in JSON format

Similar to NewTextHandler, NewJSONHandler can be used to create a JSONHandler, which prints the log records as JSON objects:

// Define a new TextHandler
h := slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, nil)

// Update the default Logger to use the new handler

// Use the logger as usual
slog.Info("an info")
slog.Warn("a warning")

This prints:

{"time":"2023-08-11T00:13:44.734365-04:00","level":"INFO","msg":"an info"}
{"time":"2023-08-11T00:13:44.734505-04:00","level":"WARN","msg":"a warning"}

Changing log levels

You’ve already seen that the default logger only prints log messages of level Info and up. We’ll need to define a custom log handler to change the default log level. Here’s an example that enables printing Debug messages:

var programLevel = new(slog.LevelVar) // Info by default
h := slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{Level: programLevel})

programLevel.Set(slog.LevelDebug) // Update log level to Debug

slog.Debug("a debug message")
slog.Info("an info message")

It’ll print:

time=2023-08-10T23:53:16.654-04:00 level=DEBUG msg="a debug message"
time=2023-08-10T23:53:16.654-04:00 level=INFO msg="an info message"

First, we create an instance of slog.LevelVar with the new allocator. Next, we create a TextHandler instance and the programLevel to the slog.HandlerOptions struct pointer. Then we create a new Logger instance as before and set that as the default logger. In the last step, the programLevel is updated so that it signals the handler to allow emitting Debug messages.

Defining custom log levels

Apart from Debug, Info, Warn, and Error, you can define your own custom log levels. Here’s an example of doing that with the default Logger instance:

// Defining a few custom levels
const (
    logMeh = slog.Level(2)
    logFatal = slog.Level(13)

// Getting the default logger
logger := slog.Default()

// Use the Log method on the logger and pass the log level
logger.Log(nil, logMeh, "a meh message")
logger.Log(nil, logFatal, "a fatal message")

This will return:

2023/08/11 00:45:35 INFO+2 a meh message
2023/08/11 00:45:35 ERROR+5 a fatal message

Observe that you’ll have to use Logger.Log() to pass your custom log level. Another example with a custom log handler:

// Defining a custom log level
const logPanic = slog.Level(15)

// Setting up a TextHandler
h := slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stderr, nil)

// Setting up a logger that uses the TextHandler
logger := slog.New(h)

// Use the Log method on the logger and pass the log level
logger.Log(nil, logPanic, "a panic message")

This prints:

time=2023-08-11T00:52:08.903-04:00 level=ERROR+7 msg="a panic message"

Adding or removing log attributes

Log attributes are just key-value pairs. The following example appends a new key and a value to the log message:

slog.Info("an info message", "new_key", "new_value")
2023/08/11 01:10:18 INFO an info message new_key=new_value

To remove attributes from log records, you’ll need to configure your custom handler and create a logger instance from that:

ReplaceAttr := func(group []string, a slog.Attr) slog.Attr {
    if a.Key == "time" {
        return slog.Attr{}
    return slog.Attr{Key: a.Key, Value: a.Value}

// Before removing the time attribute
h1 := slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, nil)

slog.Info("an info message")

// After removing the time attribute
h2 := slog.NewJSONHandler(
    os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{ReplaceAttr: ReplaceAttr},

slog.Info("an info message")

Running this will print the following. The time key no longer exists on the second log record:

  "msg":"an info message"
{"level":"INFO","msg":"an info message"}

The main focus here is the ReplaceAttr function which is used to transform or remove attributes before they are processed by a handler. It accepts two arguments: a slice of group names and an Attr struct. The group name allows attributes to be qualified into different scopes, which we won’t use right now. The Attr contains the Key and Value of the attribute that’s being logged.

In this case, ReplaceAttr checks if the attribute key is time and if so, returns an empty Attr struct, effectively signaling the handler not to include that attribute. If the key is not time, it returns the original Attr unchanged.

Adding sticky attributes

Sometimes you want to have a few common attributes that should persist across multiple log calls. This can be done via Logger.With() method:

// Make the attributes sticky with Logger.With method
logger := slog.Default().With("sticky_key" , "sticky_value")

// Look how we don't need to repeat sticky_key and sticky_value here
logger.Info("an info message")
logger.Error("an error message")

It prints:

2023/08/11 01:56:44 INFO an info message sticky_key=sticky_value
2023/08/11 01:56:44 ERROR an error message sticky_key=sticky_value

The Logger.With() method accepts key-value pairs of attributes. This saves you from passing the same attributes over and over again to make them persist across multiple log calls.

Grouping log attributes

You can group the log attributes for better organization. Adding a group makes the attribute keys of a log record qualified by the group name. What qualify means here can vary depending on whether you’re using a TextHandler or a JSONHandler. Here’s an example that demonstrates both:

// The first string is the group name and the remaining
// strings are key-value attribute pairs
group := slog.Group("group_a", "key_a", "value_a")

// Grouping for default Logger
slog.Info("info message", group)

// For TextHandler
textHandler := slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, nil)
textLogger := slog.New(textHandler)
textLogger.Warning("warning message", group)

// For JSONHandler
jsonHandler := slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, nil)
jsonLogger := slog.New(jsonHandler)
jsonLogger.Error("error message", group)

This prints:

2023/08/11 16:41:12 INFO info message group_a.key_a=value_a

time=2023-08-11T16:41:12.072-04:00 level=WARN msg="warning message" \

  "time": "2023-08-11T16:41:12.072635-04:00",
  "level": "ERROR",
  "msg": "error message",
  "group_a": {
    "key_a": "value_a"

Here, in the case of the text logger, the log attribute key is qualified by the group name as group_a.key_a. On the other hand, the JSON logger emits the log record in a way where the group name group_a is used as the key of a nested object containing the {"key_a": "value_a"} log attributes.

Making log groups sticky

Akin to attributes, you can also make attribute group sticky with the Logger.WithGroup() method:

// Default logger
logger := slog.Default().WithGroup("group_a")
logger.Info("info message", "key_b", "value_b")

// Text logger
textHandler := slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, nil)
textLogger := slog.New(textHandler).WithGroup("group_a")
textLogger.Info("info message", "key_b", "value_b")

// JSON logger
jsonHandler := slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, nil)
jsonLogger := slog.New(jsonHandler).WithGroup("group_a")
jsonLogger.Info("info message", "key_b", "value_b")

This returns:

2023/08/11 16:11:30 INFO info message group_a.key_b=value_b

time=2023-08-11T16:11:30.913-04:00 level=INFO msg="info message" \

  "time": "2023-08-11T16:11:30.913892-04:00",
  "level": "INFO",
  "msg": "info message",
  "group_a": {
    "key_b": "value_b"

Directing logs to different sinks

The predefined TextHandler and JSONHandler takes in a type that implements the io.Writer interface as the first argument. We can leverage this aspect to change the destination of a structured logger. The following example shows how you can direct the structured log stream to both stdout and a file:

type TeeWriter struct {
    stdout *os.File
    file   *os.File

func (t *TeeWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
    n, err = t.stdout.Write(p)
    if err != nil {
        return n, err
    n, err = t.file.Write(p)
    return n, err

func main() {
    file, _ := os.Create("output.txt")
    writer := &TeeWriter{
        stdout: os.Stdout,
        file:   file,
    h := slog.NewTextHandler(writer, nil)
    logger := slog.New(h)
    logger.Info("Hello, World!")

The TeeWriter struct associates stdout and a file handle. It implements a custom Write method to write to both streams, enabling teeing of output. In main(), a TeeWriter instance is created with stdout and a file. A pointer to TeeWriter is then passed to the TextHandler. Next, the TextHandler is used to create a new Logger, so when the Logger logs, the messages go through the TextHandler’s TeeWriter and are written to both the console and a file via the custom Write method.

Leveraging Attrs and Values for performance

When using a logger, you can pass in key-value pairs called Attrs instead of separate keys and values. For example:

slog.Info("info message", slog.Int("some_int", 7))

This is the same as:

slog.Info("info message", "some_int", 7)

There are helper functions like Int(), String(), and Bool() to create Attrs for common types. You can also use Any() to make an Attr for any type.

The real benefit is that Attrs are more efficient than separate keys and values. So for max speed, we can use the LogAttrs() instead of Log().

For example:

logger.LogAttrs(nil, slog.LevelInfo, "info message", slog.Int("some int", 7))

This avoids extra allocations while giving the same result as:

slog.Info("info message", "some int", 7)
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