Stacked middleware vs embedded delegation in Go
Middleware is usually the go-to pattern in Go HTTP servers for tweaking request behavior. Typically, you wrap your base handler with layers of middleware—one might log every request, while another intercepts specific routes like /special to serve a custom response. However, I often find the indirections introduced by this pattern a bit hard to read and debug. I recently came across the embedded delegation pattern while browsing the Gin1 repo. Here, I explore both patterns and explain why I usually start with delegation whenever I need to modify HTTP requests in my Go services. ...
Why does Go's io.Reader have such a weird signature?
I’ve always found the signature of io.Reader a bit odd: type Reader interface { Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) } Why take a byte slice and write data into it? Wouldn’t it be simpler to create the slice inside Read, load the data, and return it instead? // Hypothetical; what I *thought* it should be Read() (p []byte, err error) This felt more intuitive to me—you call Read, and it gives you a slice filled with data, no need to pass anything. ...
Go slice gotchas
Just like any other dynamically growable container structure, Go slices come with a few gotchas. I don’t always remember all the rules I need to be aware of. So this is an attempt to list some of the most common mistakes I’ve made at least once. Slices are views over arrays In Go, a slice is a lightweight wrapper around an array. Instead of storing data itself, it keeps track of three things: a pointer to an underlying array where the data is stored, the number of elements it currently holds, and the total capacity before it needs more space. The Go runtime defines it like this: ...
The domain knowledge dilemma
Seven years isn’t an awfully long time to work as an IC in the industry, but it’s enough to see a few cycles of change. One thing I’ve learned during this period is that, to be a key player in a business as an engineer, one of the biggest moats you can build for yourself is domain knowledge. When you know the domain well, it becomes a lot easier to weather waves of technological and managerial change. This is especially true in businesses where the tech is mostly a fleet of services communicating over some form of RPC. Doing something novel in setups like that is often hard. In situations like these, picking up the domain quickly and being able to apply a template solution is probably one of the few edges we still have over LLMs. ...
Hierarchical rate limiting with Redis sorted sets
Recently at work, we ran into this problem: We needed to send Slack notifications for specific events but had to enforce rate limits to avoid overwhelming the channel. Here’s how the limits worked: Global limit: Max 100 requests every 30 minutes. Category limit: Each event type (e.g., errors, warnings) capped at 10 requests per 30 minutes. Now, imagine this: There are 20 event types. Each type hits its 10-notification limit in 30 minutes. That’s 200 requests total, but the global limit only allows 100. So, 100 requests must be dropped—even if some event types still have room under their individual caps. This created a hierarchy of limits: ...
Dynamic shell variables
I came across a weird shell syntax today—dynamic shell variables. It lets you dynamically construct and access variable names in Bash scripts, which I haven’t encountered in any of the mainstream languages I juggle for work. In an actual programming language, you’d usually use a hashmap to achieve the same effect, but directly templating variable names is a quirky shell feature that sometimes comes in handy. A primer Dynamic shell variables allow shell scripts to define and access variables based on runtime conditions. Variable indirection (${!var} syntax) lets you reference the value of a variable through another variable. This can be useful for managing environment-specific configurations and function dispatch mechanisms. ...
Link blog in a static site
One of my 2025 resolutions is doing things that don’t scale and doing them faster without overthinking. The idea is to focus on doing more while worrying less about scalability and sustainability in the things I do outside of work. With that in mind, I’ve been thinking for a while about tracking some of my out-of-band activities on this blog. The goal is to: List the things I do, books and articles I read, and talks I grok. Add some commentary or quote something I liked from the content, verbatim, for posterity. Not spam people who just want to read the regular articles. Not turn into a content junkie, churning out slop I wouldn’t want to read myself. This isn’t about getting more eyeballs on what I publish. It’s about tracking what I do so I can look back at the end of the year and enjoy a nice little lull of accomplishment. Plus, having a place to post stuff regularly nudges me to read more, explore more, and do more of the things I actually want to do. ...
Running only a single instance of a process
I’ve been having a ton of fun fiddling with Tailscale1 over the past few days. While setting it up on a server, I came across this shell script2 that configures the ufw firewall on Linux to ensure direct communication across different nodes in my tailnet. It has the following block of code that I found interesting (added comments for clarity): #!/usr/bin/env bash # Define the path for the PID file, using the script's name to ensure uniqueness PIDFILE="/tmp/$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%.*}.pid")" # Open file descriptor 200 for the PID file exec 200>"${PIDFILE}" # Try to acquire a non-blocking lock; exit if the script is already running flock -n 200 \ || { echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]} script is already running. Aborting..."; exit 1; } # Store the current process ID (PID) in the lock file for reference PID=$$ echo "${PID}" 1>&200 # Do work (in the original script, real work happens here) sleep 999 Here, flock is a Linux command that ensures only one instance of the script runs at a time by locking a specified file (e.g., PIDFILE) through a file descriptor (e.g., 200). If another process already holds the lock, the script either waits or exits immediately. Above, it bails with an error message and exit code 1. ...
Function types and single-method interfaces in Go
People love single-method interfaces (SMIs) in Go. They’re simple to implement and easy to reason about. The standard library is packed with SMIs like io.Reader, io.Writer, io.Closer, io.Seeker, and more. One cool thing about SMIs is that you don’t always need to create a full-blown struct with a method to satisfy the interface. You can define a function type, attach the interface method to it, and use it right away. This approach works well when there’s no state to maintain, so the extra struct becomes unnecessary. However, I find the syntax for this a bit abstruce. So, I’m jotting down a few examples here to reference later. ...
SSH saga
Setting up SSH access to a new VM usually follows the same routine: generate a key pair, copy it to the VM, tweak some configs, confirm the host’s identity, and maybe set up an agent to avoid typing passphrases all day. Tools like cloud-init and Ansible handle most of the setup for me now, so I rarely think about it. But I realized I don’t fully understand how all the parts work together. ...
Injecting Pytest fixtures without cluttering test signatures
Sometimes, when writing tests in Pytest, I find myself using fixtures that the test function/method doesn’t directly reference. Instead, Pytest runs the fixture, and the test function implicitly leverages its side effects. For example: import os from import Iterator from unittest.mock import Mock, patch import pytest # Define an implicit environment mock fixture that patches os.environ @pytest.fixture def mock_env() -> Iterator[None]: with patch.dict("os.environ", {"IMPLICIT_KEY": "IMPLICIT_VALUE"}): yield # Define an explicit service mock fixture @pytest.fixture def mock_svc() -> Mock: service = Mock() service.process.return_value = "Explicit Mocked Response" return service # IDEs tend to dim out unused parameters like mock_env def test_stuff(mock_svc: Mock, mock_env: Mock) -> None: # Use the explicit mock response = mock_svc.process() assert response == "Explicit Mocked Response" mock_svc.process.assert_called_once() # Assert the environment variable patched by mock_env assert os.environ["IMPLICIT_KEY"] == "IMPLICIT_VALUE" In the test_stuff function above, we directly use the mock_svc fixture but not mock_env. Instead, we expect Pytest to run mock_env, which modifies the environment variables. This works, but IDEs often mark mock_env as an unused parameter and dims it out. ...
Explicit method overriding with @typing.override
Although I’ve been using Python 3.12 in production for nearly a year, one neat feature in the typing module that escaped me was the @override decorator. Proposed in PEP-6981, it’s been hanging out in typing_extensions for a while. This is one of those small features you either don’t care about or get totally psyched over. I’m definitely in the latter camp. In languages like C#, Java, and Kotlin, explicit overriding is required. For instance, in Java, you use @Override to make it clear you’re overriding a method in a sub class. If you mess up the method name or if the method doesn’t exist in the superclass, the compiler throws an error. Now, with Python’s @override decorator, we get similar benefits—though only if you’re using a static type checker. ...
Quicker startup with module-level __getattr__
This morning, someone on Twitter pointed me to PEP 5621, which introduces __getattr__ and __dir__ at the module level. While __dir__ helps control which attributes are printed when calling dir(module), __getattr__ is the more interesting addition. The __getattr__ method in a module works similarly to how it does in a Python class. For example: class Cat: def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> str: if name == "voice": return "meow!!" raise AttributeError(f"Attribute {name} does not exist") # Try to access 'voice' on Cat cat = Cat() cat.voice # Prints "meow!!" # Raises AttributeError: Attribute something_else does not exist cat.something_else In this class, __getattr__ defines what happens when specific attributes are accessed, allowing you to manage how missing attributes behave. Since Python 3.7, you can also define __getattr__ at the module level to handle attribute access on the module itself. ...
Docker mount revisited
I always get tripped up by Docker’s different mount types and their syntax, whether I’m stringing together some CLI commands or writing a docker-compose file. Docker’s docs cover these, but for me, the confusion often comes from how “bind” is used in various contexts and how “volume” and “bind” sometimes get mixed up in the documentation. Here’s my attempt to disentangle some of my most-used mount commands. Volume mounts Volume mounts1 let you store data outside the container in a location managed by Docker. The data persists even after the container stops. On non-Linux systems, volume mounts are faster than bind mounts because data doesn’t need to cross the virtualization boundary. ...
Topological sort
I was fiddling with graphlib in the Python stdlib and found it quite nifty. It processes a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), where tasks (nodes) are connected by directed edges (dependencies), and returns the correct execution order. The “acyclic” part ensures no circular dependencies. Topological sorting is useful for arranging tasks so that each one follows its dependencies. It’s widely used in scheduling, build systems, dependency resolution, and database migrations. For example, consider these tasks: ...
Writing a circuit breaker in Go
Besides retries, circuit breakers1 are probably one of the most commonly employed resilience patterns in distributed systems. While writing a retry routine is pretty simple, implementing a circuit breaker needs a little bit of work. I realized that I usually just go for off-the-shelf libraries for circuit breaking and haven’t written one from scratch before. So, this is an attempt to create a sloppy one in Go. I picked Go instead of Python because I didn’t want to deal with sync-async idiosyncrasies or abstract things away under a soup of decorators. ...
Discovering direnv
I’m not really a fan of shims—code that automatically performs actions as a side effect or intercepts commands when you use the shell or when a prompt runs. That’s why, other than the occasional dabbling, I’ve mostly stayed away from tools like asdf or pyenv and instead stick to apt or brew for managing my binary installs, depending on the OS. Recently, though, I’ve started seeing many people I admire extolling direnv: ...
Notes on building event-driven systems
I spent the evening watching this incredibly grokkable talk on event-driven services by James Eastham at NDC London 2024. Below is a cleaned-up version of my notes. I highly recommend watching the full talk if you’re interested before reading this distillation. The curse of tightly coupled microservices Microservices often start with HTTP-based request-response communication, which seems straightforward but quickly becomes a pain as systems grow. Coupling—where one service depends on another—creates a few issues. Take the order processing service in a fictional Plant-Based Pizza company. It has to talk to the pickup service, delivery service, kitchen, and loyalty point service. They’re all tied together, so if one fails, the whole system could go down. ...
Bash namerefs for dynamic variable referencing
While going through a script at work today, I came across Bash’s nameref feature. It uses declare -n ref="$1" to set up a variable that allows you to reference another variable by name—kind of like pass-by-reference in C. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it before, but I probably just skimmed over it. As I dug into the man page1, I realized there’s a gap in my understanding of how variable references actually work in Bash—probably because I never gave it proper attention and just got by cobbling together scripts. ...
Behind the blog
When I started writing here about five years ago, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t give in to the trend of starting a blog, adding one overly enthusiastic entry about the stack behind it, and then vanishing into the ether. I was somewhat successful at that and wanted to write something I can link to when people are curious about the machinery that drives this site. The good thing is that the tech stack is simple and has remained stable over the years since I’ve only made changes when absolutely necessary. ...