Unless I’m hand rolling my own ORM-like feature or validation logic, I rarely need to write custom descriptors in Python. The built-in descriptor magics like @classmethod, @property, @staticmethod, and vanilla instance methods usually get the job done. However, every time I need to dig my teeth into descriptors, I reach for this fantastic how to1 guide by Raymond Hettinger. You should definitely set aside the time to read it if you haven’t already. It has helped me immensely to deepen my understanding of how many of the fundamental language constructs are wired together underneath.

Descriptors are considered fairly advanced Python features and can easily turn into footguns if used carelessly. Recently, while working on an app with a descriptor-based data validator, I discovered a subtle but obvious bug that was hemorrhaging memory all across the app. The app was using a descriptor to validate class variables while simultaneously tracking instances where validation occurred. This validator was being used all over the codebase, so it slowly started blowing up memory usage in the background. The problem is that it was keeping hard references to everything it validated, so none of those objects could get garbage collected. But the really sneaky thing was how slowly and secretly the problem happened—the leakage built up bit by bit over time even when people used the validator in totally innocuous ways.

Here’s a simpler example of a validation descriptor that tracks the instances it’s applied to:

class Within:
    # The instances are tracked here
    _seen = {}

    def __init__(self, min, max):
        self.min = min
        self.max = max

    def __set_name__(self, instance, name):
        self.name = name

    def __get__(self, instance, instance_type):
        return instance.__dict__[self.name]

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        if not self.min <= value <= self.max:
            raise ValueError(
                f"{value} is not within {self.min} and {self.max}"
        instance.__dict__[self.name] = value

        # Track the instances that have been seen.
        # This is the memory leak.
        self._seen[instance] = value

The Within descriptor validates that the values assigned to instance attributes are within a specified min and max range. It does this by implementing the __set__ and __get__ dunder methods. When the descriptor is accessed via instance.attrname, the __get__ method is called which returns the value from the instance’s dict. When a value is assigned via instance.attrname = value, the __set__ method is called which validates the value is within the min/max bounds before setting it on the instance. A memory leak occurs because the _seen dict keeps a reference to every instance the descriptor has been accessed on. This prevents the instances from being garbage collected even if there are no other references to them. You can use the descriptor and observe the memory leakage like this:

import gc

class Exam:
    math = Within(0, 100)
    physics = Within(0, 100)
    chemistry = Within(0, 100)

    def __init__(self, math, physics, chemistry):
        self.math = math
        self.physics = physics
        self.chemistry = chemistry

if __name__ == "__main__":
    exam = Exam(30, 50, 40)
    exam.math = 60

    # Delete the exam instance
    del exam

    # Force garbage collection

    # Check the strong reference to the deleted instance

Here, we’re defining an Exam class that uses the Within descriptor to apply constraints on the values of the math, physics, and chemistry class variables. Then we initialize the class instance and mutate the math attribute to demonstrate that the validator is working as expected. The instance of the Exam class is saved to the _seen dictionary of the descriptor when the __set__ method is called. Next, we delete the Exam instance and force garbage collection. However, when you run the snippet, you’ll see that it prints the following:

((<__main__.Exam object at 0x10466ca10>, 60),)

This indicates that although we’ve deleted the Exam instance, it can’t be fully garbage collected since the Within descriptor’s _seen dictionary holds a strong reference to it.

Dispel the malady

Once I spotted the bug, the solution was fairly simple. Don’t keep strong references to the class instances if you don’t need to. Also, use a more robust tool like Pydantic2 to perform validation but I digress here! Using a weakref.WeakKeyDictionary instead of a regular dict for _seen would prevent the memory leakage by avoiding strong references to the deleted instances. Since WeakKeyDictionary holds weak references to the keys, if all other strong references to an instance are deleted, the garbage collector can reclaim it. The weak reference in WeakKeyDictionary won’t keep the instance alive. Here’s how you’d modify Within to fix the issue:

from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary

class Within:
    _seen = WeakKeyDictionary()  # Drop in dict replacement

    def __init__(self, min, max): ...

    def __set_name__(self, instance, name): ...

    def __get__(self, instance, instance_type): ...

    def __set__(self, instance, value): ...

The modified descriptor is a drop-in replacement for the previous one—minus the memory leakage issue. So in the last snippet, when exam is deleted and the gc is called, weakref allows the instance to be garbage collected correctly instead of remaining in memory due to the strong reference in _seen. The weak reference doesn’t interfere with gc freeing up the memory as desired. If you run the demonstration snippet again, this time you’ll see that once we force the gc to collect the garbage, the _seen container gets emptied out.

exam = Exam(30, 50, 40)
exam.math = 60

# Delete the exam instance
del exam

# Force garbage collection

# Check the strong reference to the deleted instance

This will print an empty tuple:


This also means that now Within will only keep track of instances that are alive in memory.

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