I love using Go’s interface feature to declaratively define my public API structure. Consider this example:

package main

import (

// Declare the interface.
type Geometry interface {
    area() float64
    perim() float64

// Struct that represents a rectangle.
type rect struct {
    width, height float64

// Method to calculate the area of a rectangle instance.
func (r *rect) area() float64 {
    return r.width * r.height

// Method to calculate the perimeter of a rectange instance.
func (r *rect) perim() float64 {
    return 2 * (r.width + r.height)

// Notice that we're calling the methods on the interface,
// not on the instance of the Rectangle struct directly.
func measure(g Geometry) {

func main() {
    r := &rect{width: 3, height: 4}


You can play around with the example here1. Running the example will print:

&{3 4}

Even if you don’t speak Go, you can just take a look at the Geometry interface and instantly know that the function measure expects a struct that implements the Geometry interface where the Geometry interface is satisfied when the struct implements two methods—area and perim. The function measure doesn’t care whether the struct is a rectangle, a circle, or a square. As long as it implements the interface Geometry, measure can work on it and calculate the area and the perimeter.

This is extremely powerful as it allows you to achieve polymorphism like dynamic languages without letting go of type safety. If you try to pass a struct that doesn’t fully implement the interface, the compiler will throw a type error.

In the world of Python, this polymorphism is achieved dynamically. Consider this example:

def find(haystack, needle):
    return needle in haystack

Here, the type of the haystack can be anything that supports the in operation. It can be a list, tuple, set, or dict; basically, any type that has the __contains__ method. Python’s duck typing is more flexible than any static typing as you won’t have to tell the function anything about the type of the parameters and it’ll work spectacularly; it’s a dynamically typed language, duh! The only problem is the lack of type safety. Since there’s no compilation step in Python, it won’t stop you from accidentally putting a type that haystack doesn’t support and Python will only raise a TypeError when your try to run the code.

In bigger codebases, this can often become tricky as it’s difficult to tell the types of these uber-dynamic function parameters without reading through all the methods that are being called on them. In this situation, we want the best of the both world; we want the flexibility of dynamic polymorphism and at the same time, we want some sort of type safety. Moreover, the Go code is self-documented to some extent and I’d love this kind of polymorphic | type-safe | self-documented trio in Python. Let’s try to use nominal type hinting to statically type the following example:

# src.py
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T")

def find(haystack: dict, needle: T) -> bool:
    return needle in haystack

if __name__ == "__main__":
    haystack = {1, 2, 3, 4}
    needle = 3

    print(contains(haystack, needle))

In this snippet, we’re declaring haystack to be a dict and then passing a set to the function parameter. If you try to run this function, it’ll happily print True. However, if you run mypy2 against this file, it’ll complain as follows:

src.py:17: error: Argument 1 to "find" has incompatible type "Set[int]"; expected
"Dict[Any, Any]"
        print(contains(haystack, needle))
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 4 source files)
make: *** [makefile:61: mypy] Error 1

That’s because mypy expects the type to be a dict but we’re passing a set which is incompatible. During runtime, Python doesn’t raise any error because the set that we’re passing as the value of haystack, supports in operation. But we’re not communicating that with the type checker properly and mypy isn’t happy about that. To fix this mypy error, we can use Union type.


def contains(haystack: dict | set, needle: T) -> bool:
    return needle in haystack


This will make mypy happy. However, it’s still not bulletproof. If you try to pass a list object as the value of haystack, mypy will complain again. So, nominal typing can get a bit tedious in this kind of situation, as you’d have to explicitly tell the type checker about every type that a variable can expect. There’s a better way!

Enter structural subtyping3. We know that the value of haystack can be anything that has the __contains__ method. So, instead of explicitly defining the name of all the allowed types—we can create a class, add the __contains__ method to it, and signal mypy the fact that haystack can be anything that has the __contains__ method. Python’s typing.Protocol class allows us to do that. Let’s use that:

# src.py
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Protocol, TypeVar, runtime_checkable

T = TypeVar("T")

class ProtoHaystack(Protocol):
    def __contains__(self, obj) -> bool: ...

def find(haystack: ProtoHaystack, needle: T) -> bool:
    return needle in haystack

if __name__ == "__main__":
    haystack = {1, 2, 3, 4}
    needle = 3

    print(find(haystack, needle))
    print(isinstance(ProtoHaystack, haystack))

Here, the ProtoHaystack class statically defines the structure of the type of objects that are allowed to be passed as the value of haystack. The instance method __contains__ accepts an object (obj) as the second parameter and returns a boolean value based on the fact whether that obj exists in the self instance or not. Now if you run mypy on this snippet, it’ll be satisfied.

The runtime_checkable decorator on the ProtoHaystack class allows you to check whether a target object is an instance of the ProtoHaystack class in runtime via the isinstance() function. Without the decorator, you’ll only be able to test the conformity of an object to ProtoHaystack statically but not in runtime.

This pattern of strurctural duck typing is so common, that the mixins in the collections.abc module are now compatible with structural type checking. So, in this case, instead of creating a ProtoHaystack class, you can directly use the collections.abc.Container class from the standard library and it’ll do the same job.


from collections.abc import Container

def find(haystack: Container, needle: T) -> bool:
    return needle in haystack


Avoid abc inheritance

Abstract base classes in Python let you validate the structure of subclasses in runtime. Python’s standard library APIs uses abc.ABC in many places. See this example:

# src.py
from __future__ import annotations

from abc import (

class FooInterface(ABC):
    def bar(self) -> str:

    def baz(cls) -> str:

    def qux(self) -> str:

class Foo(FooInterface):
    """Foo implements FooInterface."""

    def bar(self) -> str:
        return "from instance method"

    def baz(cls) -> str:
        return "from class method"

    def qux(self) -> str:
        return "from property method"

Here, the class FooInterface inherits from abc.ABC and then the methods are decorated with abstract* decorators. The combination of abc.ABC class and these decorators make sure that any class that inherits from FooInterface will have to implement the bar, baz, and qux methods. Failing to do so will raise a TypeError. The Foo class implements the FooInterface.

This works well in theory and practice but often time, people inadvertently start to use the *Interface classes to share implementation methods with the subclasses. When you pollute your interface with implementation methods, theoretically, it no longer stays and interface class. Go doesn’t even allow you to add implementation methods to interfaces. Abstract base classes have their places and often time, you can’t avoid them if you need a dependable runtime interface conformity check.

However, more often than not, using Protocol classes with @runtime_checkable decorator works really well. Here, the Protocol class implicitly (just like Go interfaces) makes sure that your subclasses conform to the structure that you want, and the decorator, along with isinstance check can guarantee the conformity in runtime. Let’s replace the abc.ABC and the shenanigans with the decorators with typing.Protocol:

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Protocol, runtime_checkable

class ProtoFoo(Protocol):
    def bar(self) -> str: ...

    def baz(cls) -> str: ...

    def qux(self) -> str: ...

class Foo:
    def bar(self) -> str:
        return "from instance method"

    def baz(cls) -> str:
        return "from class method"

    def qux(self) -> str:
        return "from property method"

def run(foo: ProtoFoo) -> None:
    if not isinstance(foo, ProtoFoo):
        raise Exception("Foo do not conform to Protofoo interface")


if __name__ == "__main__":
    foo = Foo()

Notice that Foo is not inheriting from ProtoFoo and when you run mypy against the snippet, it’ll statically check whether Foo conforms to the ProtoFoo interface or not. Voila, we avoided inheritance. The isinstance in the run function later checks whether foo is an instance of ProtoFoo or not.

Complete example with tests

This example employs static duck-typing to check the type of WebhookPayload where the class represents the structure of the payload that is going to be sent to an URL by the send_webhook function.

# Placeholder python file to test the snippets
from __future__ import annotations

import json
import unittest
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from typing import Protocol, runtime_checkable

class ProtoPayload(Protocol):
    url: str
    message: str

    def json(self): ...

class WebhookPayload:
    url: str = "https://dummy.com/post/"
    message: str = "Dummy message"

    def json(self) -> str:
        return json.dumps(asdict(self))

# Notice the type accepted by the function.
# Go-like static polymorphism right there!
def send_webhook(payload: ProtoPayload) -> None:
    This function doesn't care what type of Payload it gets
    as long as the payload conforms to 'ProtoPayload' structure.

    print(f"Webhook message: {payload.json}")
    print(f"Sending webhook to {payload.url}")

class TestWebHookPayload(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.payload = WebhookPayload()

    def test_payload(self):
        # We can do isinstance check because we decorated the
        # 'ProtoPayload' class with the 'runtime_checkable' decorator.
        implements_protocol = isinstance(self.payload, ProtoPayload)
        self.assertEqual(implements_protocol, True)

if __name__ == "__main__":


All the code snippets here are using Python 3.10’s type annotation syntax. However, if you’re using from __future__ import annotations, you’ll be able to run all of them in earlier Python versions, going as far back as Python 3.7.

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