The handful of times I’ve reached for typing.TypeGuard in Python, I’ve always been confused by its behavior and ended up ditching it with a # type: ignore comment.

For the uninitiated, TypeGuard allows you to apply custom type narrowing1. For example, let’s say you have a function named pretty_print that accepts a few different types and prints them differently onto the console:

from typing import assert_never

def pretty_print(val: int | float | str) -> None:
    if isinstance(val, int):  # assert_type(val, int)
        print(f"Integer: {val}")

    elif isinstance(val, float):  # assert_type(val, float)
        print(f"Float: {val}")

    elif isinstance(val, str):  # assert_type(val, str)
        print(f"String: {val}")


If you run it through mypy, in each branch, the type checker automatically narrows the type and knows exactly what the type of val is. You can test the narrowed type in each branch with the typing.assert_type function.

This works well for 99% of cases, but occasionally, you need to check an incoming value more thoroughly to determine its type and want to take action based on the narrowed type. In those cases, just using isinstance may not be sufficient. So, you need to factor out the complex type checking logic into a separate function and return a boolean depending on whether the inbound value satisfies all the criteria to be of the expected type. For example:

from typing import TypedDict, TypeGuard

class Person(TypedDict):
    name: str
    age: int

def is_person(val: dict) -> TypeGuard[Person]:
        name, age = val["name"], val["age"]
    except KeyError:
        return False

    return len(name) > 1 and 0 < age < 150

def print_age(val: dict) -> None:
    if is_person(val):  # assert_type(val, Person)
        print(f"Age: {val['age']}")
        print("Not a person!")

Here, is_person first checks that the inbound dictionary conforms to the structure of the Person typeddict and then verifies that name is at least 1 character long and age is between 0 and 150.

This is a bit more involved than just checking the type with isinstance and the type checker needs a little more help from the user. Although the return type of the is_person function is bool, typing it with TypeGuard[Person] signals the type checker that if the inbound value satisfies all the constraints and the checker function returns True, the underlying type of val is Person.

You can see more examples of TypeGuard in PEP-6472.

All good. However, I find the behavior of TypeGuard a bit unintuitive whenever I need to couple it with union types. For example:

from typing import Any, TypeGuard

def is_non_zero_number(val: Any) -> TypeGuard[int | float]:
    return val != 0

def pretty_print(val: str | int | float) -> None:
    if is_non_zero_number(val):  # assert_type(val, int | float)
        print(f"Non zero number: {val}")

    else:  # assert_type(val, str | int | float); wat??
        print(f"String: {val}")

In the if branch, TypeGuard signals the type checker correctly that the narrowed type of the inbound value is int | float but in the else branch, I was expecting it to be str because the truthy if condition has already filtered out the int | float. But instead, we get str | int | float as the narrowed type. While there might be a valid reason behind this design choice, the resulting behavior with union types made TypeGuard fairly useless for cases I wanted to use it for.

TypeIs has been introduced via PEP-7423 to fix exactly that. The PEP agrees that people might find the current behavior of TypeGuard a bit unexpected and introducing another construct with a slightly different behavior doesn’t make things any less confusing.

We acknowledge that this leads to an unfortunate situation where there are two constructs with a similar purpose and similar semantics. We believe that users are more likely to want the behavior of TypeIs, the new form proposed in this PEP, and therefore we recommend that documentation emphasize TypeIs over TypeGuard as a more commonly applicable tool.

TypeGuard and TypeIs have similar semantics, except, the latter can narrow the type in both the if and else branches of a conditional. Here’s another example with a union type where TypeIs does what I expected TypeGuard to do:

import sys

if sys.version_info > (3, 13):  # TypeIs is available in Python 3.13+
    from typing import TypeIs
    from typing_extensions import TypeIs

def is_number(value: object) -> TypeIs[int | float | complex]:
    return isinstance(value, (int, float, complex))

def pretty_print(val: str | int | float | complex) -> None:
    if is_number(val):  # assert_type(val, int | float | complex)
    else:  # assert_type(val, str)
        print("Not a number!")

Notice that TypeIs has now correctly narrowed the type in the else branch as well. This would’ve also worked had we returned early from the pretty_print function in the if branch and skipped the else branch altogether. Exactly what I need!

Here are a few typeshed stubs4 for the stdlib functions in the inspect module that are already taking advantage of the new TypeIs construct:

# fmt: off

def isgenerator(obj: object) -> TypeIs[GeneratorType[Any, Any, Any]]: ...
def iscoroutine(obj: object) -> TypeIs[CoroutineType[Any, Any, Any]]: ...
def isawaitable(obj: object) -> TypeIs[Awaitable[Any]]: ...
def isasyncgen(object: object) -> TypeIs[AsyncGeneratorType[Any, Any]]: ...
def istraceback(object: object) -> TypeIs[TracebackType]: ...

# and so on and so forth
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