Compose multiple levels of fixtures in pytest

While reading the second version of Brian Okken’s pytest book1, I came across this neat trick to compose multiple levels of fixtures. Suppose, you want to create a fixture that returns some canned data from a database. Now, let’s say that invoking the fixture multiple times is expensive, and to avoid that you want to run it only once per test session. However, you still want to clear all the database states after each test function runs....

July 21, 2022

Patch where the object is used

I was reading Ned Bachelder’s blog “Why your mock doesn’t work”1 and it triggered an epiphany in me about a testing pattern that I’ve been using for a while without being aware that there might be an aphorism on the practice. Patch where the object is used; not where it’s defined. To understand it, consider the example below. Here, you have a module containing a function that fetches data from some fictitious database....

July 18, 2022

Partially assert callable arguments with 'unittest.mock.ANY'

I just found out that you can use Python’s unittest.mock.ANY to make assertions about certain arguments in a mock call, without caring about the other arguments. This can be handy if you want to test how a callable is called but only want to make assertions about some arguments. Consider the following example: # import random import time def fetch() -> list[float]: # Simulate fetching data from a database. time....

July 17, 2022

Mocking chained methods of datetime objects in Python

This is the 4th time in a row that I’ve wasted time figuring out how to mock out a function during testing that calls the chained methods of a datetime.datetime object in the function body. So I thought I’d document it here. Consider this function: # from __future__ import annotations import datetime def get_utcnow_isoformat() -> str: """Get UTCnow as an isoformat compliant string.""" return datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() How’d you test it? Mocking out datetime....

March 16, 2022

Parametrized fixtures in pytest

While most of my pytest fixtures don’t react to the dynamically-passed values of function parameters, there have been situations where I’ve definitely felt the need for that. Consider this example: # import pytest @pytest.fixture def create_file(tmp_path): """Fixture to create a file in the tmp_path/tmp directory.""" directory = tmp_path / "tmp" directory.mkdir() file = directory / "" # The filename is hardcoded here! yield directory, file def test_file_creation(create_file): """Check the fixture....

March 10, 2022

Patching test dependencies via pytest fixture & unittest mock

In Python, even though I adore writing tests in a functional manner via pytest, I still have a soft corner for the tools provided in the unittest.mock module. I like the fact it’s baked into the standard library and is quite flexible. Moreover, I’m yet to see another mock library in any other language or in the Python ecosystem that allows you to mock your targets in such a terse, flexible, and maintainable fashion....

February 27, 2022