Debugging dockerized Python apps in VSCode

Despite using VSCode as my primary editor, I never really bothered to set up the native debugger to step through application code running inside Docker containers. Configuring the debugger to work with individual files, libraries, or natively running servers is trivial1. So, I use it in those cases and just resort back to my terminal for debugging containerized apps running locally. However, after seeing a colleague’s workflow in a pair-programming session, I wanted to configure the debugger to cover this scenario too. ...

December 22, 2023

Dotfile stewardship for the indolent

I’m one of those people who will sit in front of a computer for hours, fiddling with algorithms or debugging performance issues, yet won’t spend 10 minutes to improve their workflows. While I usually get away with this, every now and then, my inertia slithers back to bite me. The latest episode was me realizing how tedious it is to move config files across multiple devices when I was configuring a new MacBook Air and Mac Mini at the same time. ...

September 27, 2023

Self-hosted Google Fonts in Hugo

This site1 is built with Hugo2 and served via GitHub pages3. Recently, I decided to change the font here to make things more consistent across different devices. However, I didn’t want to go with Google Fonts for a few reasons: CDN is another dependency. Hosting static assets on GitHub Pages has served me well. Google Fonts tracks users and violates4 GDPR in Germany. Google Analytics does that too. But since I’m using the latter anyway, this might come off a bit apocryphal. I wanted to get a few extra Lighthouse points. Turns out, it’s pretty easy to host the fonts yourself. ...

September 14, 2023

Dummy load balancer in a single Go script

I was curious to see if I could prototype a simple load balancer in a single Go script. Go’s standard library and goroutines make this trivial. Here’s what the script needs to do: Spin up two backend servers that’ll handle the incoming requests. Run a reverse proxy load balancer in the foreground. The load balancer will accept client connections and round-robin them to one of the backend servers; balancing the inbound load. Once a backend responds, the load balancer will relay the response back to the client. For simplicity, we’ll only handle client’s GET requests. Obviously, this won’t have SSL termination, advanced balancing algorithms, or session persistence like you’d get with Nginx1 or Caddy2. The point is to understand the basic workflow and show how Go makes it easy to write this sort of stuff. ...

August 30, 2023

Limit goroutines with buffered channels

I was cobbling together a long-running Go script to send webhook messages to a system when some events occur. The initial script would continuously poll a Kafka topic for events and spawn new goroutines to make HTTP requests to the destination. This had two problems: It could create unlimited goroutines if many events arrived quickly It might overload the destination system by making many concurrent requests In Python, I’d use just asyncio.Semaphore to limit concurrency. I’ve previously written about this here1. Turns out, in Go, you could do the same with a buffered channel. Here’s how the naive version looks: ...

August 23, 2023

Writing a TOTP client in Go

A TOTP1 based 2FA system has two parts. One is a client that generates the TOTP code. The other part is a server. The server verifies the code. If the client and the server-generated codes match, the server allows the inbound user to access the target system. The code usually expires after 30 seconds and then, you’ll have to regenerate it to be able to authenticate. As per RFC-62382, the server shares a base-32 encoded secret key with the client. Using this shared secret and the current UNIX timestamp, the client generates a 6-digit code. Independently, the server also generates a 6-digit code using the same secret string and its own current timestamp. If the user-entered client code matches the server-generated code, the auth succeeds. Otherwise, it fails. The client’s and the server’s current timestamp wouldn’t be an exact match. So the algorithm usually adjusts it for ~30 seconds duration. ...

August 20, 2023

Interface guards in Go

I love Go’s implicit interfaces. While convenient, they can also introduce subtle bugs unless you’re careful. Types expected to conform to certain interfaces can fluidly add or remove methods. The compiler will only complain if an identifier anticipates an interface, but is passed a type that doesn’t implement that interface. This can be problematic if you need to export types that are required to implement specific interfaces as part of their API contract. ...

August 18, 2023

Go structured logging with slog

Before the release of version 1.21, you couldn’t set levels for your log messages in Go without either using third-party libraries or writing your own boilerplates. Coming from Python, I’ve always found this odd, considering that this capability has been in the Python standard library forever. However, it seems like the new log/slog subpackage in Go allows you to do that and a whole lot more. Apart from being able to add levels to log messages, slog also allows you to emit JSON-structured log messages and group them by certain attributes. The ability to do all this in-house is quite neat and I wanted to take it for a spin. The official documentation1 on this is on the terser side but still comprehensive. So, here, instead of repeating the same information, I wanted to write something for me that mainly highlights the most common cases. ...

August 10, 2023

Taming conditionals with bitmasks

The 100k context window of Claude 21 has been a huge boon for me since now I can paste a moderately complex problem to the chat window and ask questions about it. In that spirit, it recently refactored some pretty gnarly conditional logic for me in such an elegant manner that it absolutely blew me away. Now, I know how bitmasks2 work and am aware of the existence of enum.Flag3 in Python. However, it never crossed my mind that flags can be leveraged to trim conditional branches in such a clever manner that Claude illustrated. But once I looked at the proposed solution, the whole thing immediately clicked for me. ...

July 29, 2023

Using DNS record to share text data

This morning, while browsing Hacker News, I came across a neat trick1 that allows you to share textual data by leveraging DNS TXT records. It can be useful for sharing a small amount of data in environments that restrict IP but allow DNS queries, or to bypass censorship. To test this out, I opened my domain registrar’s panel and created a new TXT type DNS entry with a base64 encoded message containing the poem A Poison Tree by William Blake. The message can now be queried and decoded with the following shell command: ...

July 17, 2023

Memory leakage in Python descriptors

Unless I’m hand rolling my own ORM-like feature or validation logic, I rarely need to write custom descriptors in Python. The built-in descriptor magics like @classmethod, @property, @staticmethod, and vanilla instance methods usually get the job done. However, every time I need to dig my teeth into descriptors, I reach for this fantastic how to1 guide by Raymond Hettinger. You should definitely set aside the time to read it if you haven’t already. It has helped me immensely to deepen my understanding of how many of the fundamental language constructs are wired together underneath. ...

July 16, 2023

Unix-style pipelining with Python's subprocess module

Python offers a ton of ways like os.system or os.spawn* to create new processes and run arbitrary commands in your system. However, the documentation usually encourages you to use the subprocess1 module for creating and managing child processes. The subprocess module exposes a high-level run() function that provides a simple interface for running a subprocess and waiting for it to complete. It accepts the command to run as a list of strings, starts the subprocess, waits for it to finish, and then returns a CompletedProcess object with information about the result. For example: ...

July 14, 2023

Enabling repeatable lazy iterations in Python

The current title of this post is probably incorrect and may even be misleading. I had a hard time coming up with a suitable name for it. But the idea goes like this: sometimes you might find yourself in a situation where you need to iterate through a generator more than once. Sure, you can use an iterable like a tuple or list to allow multiple iterations, but if the number of elements is large, that’ll cause an OOM error. On the other hand, once you’ve already consumed a generator, you’ll need to restart it if you want to go through it again. This behavior is common in pretty much every programming language that supports the generator construct. ...

July 13, 2023

Associative arrays in Bash

One of my favorite pastimes these days is to set BingChat to creative mode, ask it to teach me a trick about topic X, and then write a short blog post about it to reinforce my understanding. Some of the things it comes up with are absolutely delightful. In the spirit of that, I asked it to teach me a Shell trick that I can use to mimic maps or dictionaries in a shell environment. I didn’t even know what I was expecting. ...

May 3, 2023

Process substitution in Bash

I needed to compare two large directories with thousands of similarly named PDF files and find the differing filenames between them. In the first pass, this is what I did: Listed out the content of the first directory and saved it in a file: ls dir1 > dir1.txt Did the same for the second directory: ls dir2 > dir2.txt Compared the difference between the two outputs: diff dir1.txt dir2.txt This returned the name of the differing files likes this: ...

April 30, 2023

Dynamic menu with select statement in Bash

Whenever I need to whip up a quick command line tool, my go-to is usually Python. Python’s CLI solutions tend to be more robust than their Shell counterparts. However, dealing with its portability can sometimes be a hassle, especially when all you want is to distribute a simple script. That’s why while toying around with argparse to create a dynamic menu, I decided to ask ChatGPT if there’s a way to achieve the same using native shell scripting. Delightfully, it introduced me to the dead-simple select command that I probably should’ve known about years ago. But I guess better late than never! Here’s what I was trying to accomplish: ...

April 29, 2023

Simple terminal text formatting with tput

When writing shell scripts, I’d often resort to using hardcoded ANSI escape codes1 to format text, such as: #!/usr/bin/env bash BOLD="\033[1m" UNBOLD="\033[22m" FG_RED="\033[31m" BG_YELLOW="\033[43m" BG_BLUE="\033[44m" RESET="\033[0m" # Print a message in bold red text on a yellow background. echo -e "${BOLD}${FG_RED}${BG_YELLOW}This is a warning message${RESET}" # Print a message in white text on a blue background. echo -e "${BG_BLUE}This is a debug message${RESET}" This shell snippet above shows how to add text formatting and color to shell script output via ANSI escape codes. It defines a few variables that contain different escape codes for bold, unbold, foreground, and background colors. Then, we echo two log messages with different colors and formatting options. ...

April 23, 2023

Switching between multiple data streams in a single thread

I was working on a project where I needed to poll multiple data sources and consume the incoming data points in a single thread. In this particular case, the two data streams were coming from two different Redis lists. The correct way to consume them would be to write two separate consumers and spin them up as different processes. However, in this scenario, I needed a simple way to poll and consume data from one data source, wait for a bit, then poll and consume from another data source, and keep doing this indefinitely. That way I could get away with doing the whole workflow in a single thread without the overhead of managing multiple processes. ...

February 19, 2023

Skipping the first part of an iterable in Python

Consider this iterable: it = (1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7) Let’s say you want to build another iterable that includes only the numbers that appear starting from the element 0. Usually, I’d do this: # This returns (0, 4, 5, 6, 7). from_zero = tuple(elem for idx, elem in enumerate(it) if idx >= it.index(0)) While this is quite terse and does the job, it won’t work with a generator. There’s an even more generic and terser way to do the same thing with itertools.dropwhile function. Here’s how to do it: ...

February 12, 2023

Colon command in shell scripts

The colon : command is a shell utility that represents a truthy value. It can be thought of as an alias for the built-in true command. You can test it by opening a shell script and typing a colon on the command line, like this: : If you then inspect the exit code by typing $? on the command line, you’ll see a 0 there, which is exactly what you’d see if you had used the true command. ...

December 23, 2022